Snacks for people with type 2 diabetes

by Mother Huddle Staff
Snacks for people with type 2 diabetes

Assessment of our blood glucose levels is a vital part of diabetes management, and keeping track of our daily blood glucose levels, carbohydrate intake and insulin dosage is absolutely necessary for effective diabetes management. Many people with type 2 diabetes depend on carbohydrate intake and insulin usage to maintain healthy blood glucose levels, which requires much close monitoring daily.

While keeping track of this in itself can be difficult, the number one reason why patients with type 2 diabetes do not achieve the desired results is that they fail to count carbohydrates correctly when monitoring them. This can be accounted for by inaccurate tools such as carb counting books or calorie counting tables, so I have made a guide for all of you looking for carb counting charts that work effectively.

Snacks are a tricky thing when you have diabetes. You can’t go a long period without eating because of low blood sugar, but regular snacking can lead to weight gain, which is very common for people with type 2 diabetes. This article will give you a good list of snacks for people with type 2 diabetes that are finger friendly and not going to kill your post-snack blood glucose.

9 Best-Known Snacks for People with Diabetes

Snacks for people with type 2 diabetes are just as important as meals. They provide the body with extra energy, which is often needed during the day. But what foods can you eat? Here’s a list of snacks that are good for people with type 2 diabetes.

Fresh fruit

Fruit contains many nutrients and fiber, which helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Fresh fruit is best, but canned and dried fruits are also good choices.


Nuts are high in protein and fiber and contain healthy fats that help lower cholesterol levels. They also contain monounsaturated fat, which has been shown to reduce insulin resistance. Nuts can be eaten raw or roasted, but avoid salted nuts because they are higher in sodium than unsalted ones.

Dried fruit

Dried fruits are healthy options because they have less sugar than fresh fruit and tend to be lower in calories as well. Choose dried fruit that is unsweetened or sweetened with natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup (or use them yourself). Dried apricots, papaya spears, and banana chips are all good choices for snacking on when you need something sweet!


Popcorn is a whole grain containing soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Popcorn also contains B vitamins and iron, both of which are important for maintaining healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Be mindful of portion sizes because dark chocolate can also be high in sugar or fat. One or two small daily squares are all needed for health benefits.


Look for whole-grain cereals with at least 3 grams of fiber per serving (aim for 5 or more). Try oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar (a simple carbohydrate) instead of brown rice cereal or cornflakes (complex carbohydrates).

Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese

Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with fresh fruit or nuts. Yogurt provides the protein you need to avoid blood sugar spikes after meals, while cottage cheese provides calcium for strong bones and teeth. Add berries for extra antioxidants or walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation in the body as well as fight heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Corn chips

Corn chips and diabetes go hand in hand. They are one of the best snacks that you can have if you have diabetes. They are low in calories, contain no sodium, and provide you with a good amount of fiber. You can also add some salsa or guacamole to make it more delicious.


Vegetables are another good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. For example, carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which helps protect your eyes against diseases such as macular degeneration. Be careful not to eat too many raw vegetables because they contain lots of natural sugars that can raise your blood sugar levels if you don’t count them carefully.

Many delicious and healthy low-carb snacks will help you get through your day while staying close to your carb budget. You just need to do your homework and be diligent with your choices. Check out the table below for some ideas. There are also several tasty recipes in our Low-Carb Snacks to Help Lower Your Diabetes Risk article over at Healthline.

But do remember that healthy snacks should be within healthy limits. Doubtless,  corn chips and diabetes are some of the best options. This is why I should include items like fruits and vegetables. You need to see that you are getting the required sugar, protein, and carbohydrates from the snacks that you eat. A variety of fruits and vegetables should fulfill this requirement.

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