How to Choose the Right Anti-Aging Procedure for Your Skin

by Mother Huddle Staff
How to Choose the Right Anti-Aging Procedure for Your Skin-min

A basic anti-aging routine may include the following:

  • Switching to a heavier moisturizer.
  • Adding a retinoid cream to help fade fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Use sunscreen daily with SPF 30 or more.

You can also add ingredients like hyaluronic acid to help plump the skin and copper peptide to stimulate collagen production.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels help smooth the complexion and improve skin tone by removing the outermost layer of facial skin. They’re especially effective for tackling blemishes, age spots and mild lines and wrinkles. Light peels typically contain alpha hydroxy acids, which exfoliate the skin and help promote collagen growth. Medium peels usually include trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and help remove the outermost layer and the top part of the middle layer, called the reticular dermis. Deep peels include phenol, which penetrates deeper into the layers of the skin and can help address more significant wrinkles, severe sun damage and uneven skin color, such as dark patches caused by pregnancy or birth control pills.

Generally, peels should only be performed by dermatologists or plastic surgeons with extensive experience. Anyone with a history of skin disease or conditions like psoriasis, eczema or connective tissue diseases should also avoid them.


A humidifier can help combat dryness and wrinkles, especially in the winter. During the winter months, humidity is usually at its lowest, and this can cause your skin to feel parched despite the many thick creams and salves you may slather on. This is because the air can pull moisture from the skin and dehydrate it. This is why people living in climates with lower humidity seem to age more quickly.

A humidifier can hydrate the skin throughout the day and night. This can help prevent premature aging and keep the skin supple. It can also be used with anti-aging treatments like chemical peels and dermabrasion. It can even be used with products that contain alpha hydroxy acids that can promote collagen production to fight fine lines and wrinkles, such as La Roche Posay’s Glycolic B5 Serum.


Getting a good broad-spectrum sunscreen is the first step in any anti-aging routine. Sunscreens help protect skin from UVA and UVB rays that can speed up facial aging. Look for a formula that contains antioxidants, skin-restoring ingredients and hydration. The EltaMD UV Glow Broad-Spectrum SPF 36 is formulated to include shea butter, niacinamide and other ingredients to brighten and even skin tone.

While beauty editors have been telling us this for years, scientific studies have only recently proved that diligent sunscreen application can prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging. In one study, people who applied sunscreen daily for four and a half years showed less wrinkling, less mottled pigmentation and better skin texture and tone than those who didn’t.

However, remember that wrinkles and other signs of aging aren’t completely preventable. In time, all of us will develop lines and wrinkles.


As the skin ages, it becomes prone to wrinkles, loss of elasticity, dryness, and discoloration. The best way to fight these signs is with a well-rounded skincare regimen and anti-aging procedures that include regular facials, anti-aging creams, and sunscreen. This will slow the natural aging process and improve your complexion.

Your diet also plays a role in your skin’s appearance. Eating a diet high in antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables, has been linked to better skin as you age. Try to avoid foods that are rich in fats and sugar, as these can trigger breakouts.

Choose a gentle cleanser that replenishes moisture and avoids stripping. Add an alcohol-free toner to your routine with skin-soothing ingredients, such as green tea extract or aloe vera. A skincare professional can help you create a personalized skin care regimen for mature skin. They can recommend products formulated for your skin type and target your biggest concerns.

PRP Therapy

PRP is a biostimulation treatment that uses your platelets (which contain growth factors) to help fight fine lines and wrinkles. Orthopedic physicians have used it to treat as a treatment for chronic sports injuries, such as tennis or golfer’s elbow.

PRP is a concentrated form of platelets that contains proteins and promotes blood vessel growth. It also stimulates cell mitosis and collagen production. This helps to speed healing, reduce swelling and improve wound repair. Studies have shown that PRP can increase skin thickness, boost collagen, decrease pigmentation, increase dermal elastic fibers and reduce wrinkles and acne.

During the treatment, your doctor will draw a small blood sample and put it into a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red cells and platelets. The doctor then injects the platelets back into your skin using ultrasound imaging to guide them.


Squinting is a natural reflex to bright light that decreases the size of the pupils, reducing glare and discomfort. It also eliminates some of the blur from uncorrected refractive errors and presbyopia.

Unfortunately, squinting can also cause fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Repeated squinting creates creases in the delicate skin around the eyes, known as the orbital skin. This makes the face look older than it should.

Children with squints can benefit from wearing glasses or getting an eye exam. This is because squinting can indicate an eye condition called strabismus, where the eyes point in different directions. This is more common in children and may be caused by a lazy eye (when one eye fails to gather information from the brain) or conditions like cerebral palsy, cataracts, traumatic brain injury or Graves’ disease.

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