How To Keep Kids Occupied Without Technology

by Mother Huddle Staff
How To Keep Kids Occupied Without Technology

Today, it’s almost difficult to separate kids from technology. Where once getting kids to come to the house was a chore, it’s now difficult to get them out of the house; this is because most of the time, they’re glued to the television, computer, phone, or some other form of screen. While technology provides a variety of entertainment for children busy, it should be used in moderation. Children need to do other activities to have a balance in life.

Pulling your kids from the screen won’t be easy; it requires patience and strategy. It could start with simple things like taking a walk with them as you tell them exciting stories as you gradually work your way into other activities. For instance, there are many fun games for kids you can play together to keep them entertained.

Below are other activities that your kids can participate in away from technology:

1. Go Outside

You could go bike riding or walk the dog together. To make it even more interesting, you could go on a scavenger hunt and dress the part with maps and clues. The park is also a great place to go because kids love the park. It’s convenient when you’re too tired to participate in the activities with your kids. You could let them sweat it out at the park and take them home when they’re done.

2. Play Card Or Board Games

There’s a lot of material for this. The best part is that the games cut across all ages, and your kids won’t feel left out. Games like UNO, rummy, or solving puzzles aren’t only interesting but also help children with brain development because it forces them to think critically. You could also get them LEGO and make them work on their creativity by building whatever they’re imagining.

3. Involve Them In The Kitchen

It’s said that too many cooks would spoil the broth; that’s why your kids will only be the handymen. When you’re in the kitchen preparing meals, make them help you with things they can handle. It could be setting the table if you have younger kids or slicing vegetables if they’re a bit older. Another way is asking them to help you clean after all the peeling and cutting. To spice things up, you could put on some music and let them sing along. This is also the time to teach them to cook, starting with some easy recipes.

4. Visit Family And Friends

You’ll be surprised how much a visit to the kids’ grandparents, cousins, or friends will lighten them up. A change of environment for a day or two is a breath of fresh air. They’ll interact with their relatives or friends while unwinding. It’s also essential for them to bond with people outside of the home. If it’s not possible for you to leave the house, you can play dates and, in turn, invite their friends or cousins over.

5. Try Out Experiments

Science experiments sound scary, considering you and the kids might be trying it out for the first time, but there are child-friendly experiments. You could do the rainbow experiment or the lava lamp experiment together. Alternatively, you could get magnetic stickers and make them fill your fridge door to create a ‘magnets only’ corner.

6. Do Gardening

Do you want to do a lot of planting but can’t do it alone? Take your kids with you. Make it enjoyable by giving them tiny shovels and beautiful flowers or plants to plant. Get them watering cans with stickers of their favorite TV characters; or if it’s on short notice, get them in their favorite colors. If it’s weeding day, it’s even better because kids love uprooting things from the ground, so best believe they’ll spend a lot of time on that. Make them each have a plant they care for and can even take back to the house with them.

7. Do Something Crafty

Keeping Kids Occupied Without Technology

Have your old t-shirt on because this is where you get dirty. You could get your kids to show off their creativity by having them do something crafty like a painting competition and getting them to paint a lot of things. Kids put effort into things that they consider important. You can challenge them to make something special for them, and you’ll see how creative your kids are. You can also make stuff like the sun or different insects and animals from paper. Molding things with clay is also exciting and keeps the kids engaged.

8. Give Them Chores

When doing house chores, let your children also do their bit. For instance, you could ask them to clean their rooms when you’re vacuuming the living room or the kitchen. This keeps them occupied and gives them a sense of responsibility. Doing chores together can also be fun like asking them to fold clothes with you.


Coming up with activities and getting your kids to do them to replace technology can be an uphill task in the beginning. But it’s doable with a little nudge and your involvement. Once you create a routine and stick to it, screen time will be significantly reduced. Don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t work as quickly as you expect. Remember, what works for other kids might not work for yours. You may have to try out many things to know exactly what works for you.

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