Staying Cool On Those Hot Hot Summer Days

by Mother Huddle Staff
Staying Cool On Those Hot Hot Summer Days

Summer is well and truly here and so are the days when we are basking in the sunshine and enjoying being outside. However, some summer days can become a little unbearable. The humidity is hard to handle, the heat feels like it’s too much and you are desperately searching for ways to keep cool. With that in mind, here are some of the easiest ways you can bring your body temperature back down to earth. 

Use your air conditioning unit

Your air conditioning unit is possibly the first thing you turn to on a hot day, so don’t delay and switch it on. However, if it hasn’t been used for some time, you may find that it isn’t working as it should be, or not even at all. This is when looking into evaporative cooling air conditioning could be the answer. Air conditioning can keep your home cool on even the hottest days, providing you a haven for when things get too much outside. 

Enjoy ice treats and drinks

Nothing screams summer than enjoying an ice treat or drink straight from the freezer. However, it is also a great way to keep you cool and regulate your body temperature. Consider making your own from fresh fruit juices and adding things like yogurt or fruit pieces. Furthermore, why not create some of your favorite alcoholic or non-alcoholic cocktails and freeze them? Creating your very own icy beverages to enjoy in the evening.

Keep blinds and curtains shut in your home

When the sun shines into your home through the glass, it starts to heat up the room, which can mean that come bedtime your bedroom feels unbearable to sleep, or you can’t relax in your kitchen or living room. Try and keep blinds and curtains shut throughout the day. The darkened room should remain a few degrees cooler than outside. 

Change your outfit regularly

Not many of us need an excuse for an outfit change, but summer does mean changing your clothing regularly to keep you cool. Sweaty clothes can make you feel warmer during the day. 

Open up the windows at night and first thing in the morning

The coolest points of the day are just before the sun rises and after it sets. The temperature drops a fair few degrees giving you the perfect opportunity to open up the windows and doors in your home and to let the cooler air in. This can help to cool your home down, enabling you to have a better sleep. 

Stay in shade at the hottest points of the day

Finally, it is important for you to remain in the shade at the hottest points of the day. While still warm, the shade is a few degrees cooler than being out in the direct sun. Offering you a break from the rays. This is also important for taking care of your skin and health while out in the sun. 

Let’s hope these tips help you keep cool on a hot day. 


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