Breastfeeding Moms- 5 Effective Tips To Deal With Back Pain

by Mother Huddle Staff
Breastfeeding Moms- 5 Effective Tips To Deal With Back Pain

Motherhood is an incredible experience but brings a fair share of challenges. Besides sagging skin, hair loss, and postpartum depression, you may encounter severe bouts of backache. Studies suggest that 9 out of 10 new moms face back pain during the postpartum phase. The physical strain of carrying, delivering, and caring for a baby is the probable reason. However, breastfeeding can aggravate it.

The nursing posture causes significant strain on the back muscles and contributes to pain, which may worsen over time. Unfortunately, you need to stay off painkillers and medications during lactation. But you need not suffer in silence and deprive yourself of the joy of bonding with your baby. Let us share a few effective tips to deal with back pain as a breastfeeding mommy.

Find a comfortable position

Surprisingly, changing your position may be enough to eliminate the pain and discomfort of breastfeeding. Experiment with different positions until you find one that does not strain your back. You may try using a chair with good back support or even consider lying on your side. Remember to maintain good posture by sitting up straight. Avoid slouching because it causes pressure on your back and neck.

Use a nursing pillow

Using a nursing pillow can ease your breastfeeding woes significantly. The specially-designed pillow supports your baby’s weight and takes the pressure off your back. You can also rely on it to correct your nursing posture. A small investment sets you up for comfort during long sessions of feeding your little one. Ordering your nursing pillow before bringing the baby home is a great idea.

Seek holistic treatment 

Popping a painkiller is the last thing you want to do while breastfeeding. You will always worry about the side effects of medicines on your baby. Consider holistic treatment for back pain sooner than later. Therapies like physiotherapy and chiropractic care can be highly effective, and they do not have side effects. The best part is that you may feel much better as these therapies resolve overall soreness and fatigue. You can save yourself from a lot of trouble with timely professional help.

Use heat or cold therapy

You can try using heat or cold packs on your back to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Keep a cold gel pack or a hot water bottle handy to get quick respite if you cannot visit your physio. But the method offers only temporary respite. However, you can rely on it to carry you through the night. You can also ask your partner to give you a gentle massage to relax your muscles.

Take breaks

Breastfeeding can be a taxing and time-consuming activity, specifically for beginners learning the ropes. You may struggle to get the posture right and the baby may have a tough time latching for feeding. Taking frequent breaks is essential to prevent pain and pressure on your back. Standing up and walking around for a few minutes between your nursing sessions offers relief. You can also do some gentle stretching exercises.

Back pain is common in breastfeeding moms, and almost every new mother suffers from it at some point. But you can depend on these simple tips to relieve it naturally without worrying about the side effects of painkillers on your newborn.


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