What are the Best Pets for Children?

by Mother Huddle Staff
What are the Best Pets for Children

Deciding what pet to get for your children can be an exciting yet challenging task. You want to select an animal that will be a loving companion for your child, while also being a good fit. After all, pets are for life, not just a few weeks, so it is important to be absolutely sure a pet will be right for your family before you adopt or buy one. If you are thinking of adding a pet to the family, read on for some discussion points.

Consider Your Child’s Capabilities

One of the most important considerations is how much supervision and care your child can realistically provide. Pets like dogs and cats require daily feeding, grooming, exercise and attention. Smaller pets like hamsters or fish may be more suitable for younger children who cannot commit to involved daily pet care. Think about your child’s age, maturity level, and sense of responsibility when deciding what pet matches their capabilities.

Evaluate Allergy and Temperament Concerns

You’ll also want to take into account any allergies your child may have. Certain pets like rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, reptiles, and fish may be better options for kids with fur-related allergies. However, be aware that these pets can still cause allergy issues for some. The temperament of the pet is key as well. Look for animals known for being gentle, friendly and patient. Calm and affectionate pets tend to interact best with children.

If you are fostering with an agency like thefca.co.uk, take into account any future foster children you might have, as they may be allergic to or afraid of any pet you bring into the family.

Consider Dogs, Cats and Small Animals

For most families, dogs or cats make the best first pets for kids as they can form very close bonds with humans. Dog breeds like Labradors or Golden Retrievers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Pugs, and Bulldogs tend to do very well with children. With cats, breeds like Ragdolls, Persians, and Maine Coons also make excellent child-friendly pets. But don’t overlook smaller pets either!

Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice and even fish can make fantastic starter pets too. Amphibians like frogs, reptiles like snakes and lizards, and birds like parrots or finches can also work, you just need to carefully research their specific care needs first.

Prioritise Safety

Safety is paramount, so properly pet-proof your home before bringing any animal home. Secure chemicals, medications, wires, toxic houseplants and small objects that could be swallowed. Never leave young children and pets unsupervised. Also, be sure to find a vet ahead of time to establish a relationship and handle any emergency issues. Consider installing baby gates to keep pets separated from children when you can’t actively supervise.

Benefits of Pet Ownership

Owning a pet is a major responsibility for a child, but the benefits make it worthwhile. Caring for an animal builds empathy, responsibility and establishes early healthy habits around pet ownership. And the companionship and affection a beloved pet provides creates memories that can last a lifetime. Do your research, set clear expectations and you’re likely to find the perfect fit for your family.

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