How to Introduce Your Children to Pokemon

by Mother Huddle Staff
How to introduce your children to Pokemon

Right from its inception, Pokemon has been nothing short of a sensation. With over 380 million copies sold worldwide, the Nintendo series has sparked quite an interest appealing to a diverse audience of lifelong fans. From young adults, teenagers, and, more recently, toddlers, the Pokemon franchise has created an influential foothold in the gaming realm, more so with the younger generation. For that reason, Pokemon is now a subject of conversation among parents and gaming veterans with youngsters who can’t wait to dip their feet into the Pokemon universe. But first things first, we cover the groundwork- What are Pokemon?

Pokemon 101: Getting started on the series

Pokemon are ideally a group of creatures in every imaginable shape and size that live in a virtual world alongside their human partners, otherwise known as trainers. What do Pokemon do? Throughout adventurous play and battle, Pokemon grow, gain experience, and evolve into a more robust version of themselves. How do you get your child started on Pokemon? In these five simple steps.

Start easy

Like most virtual games, Pokemon is multi-leveled, starting with a beginner, intermediate, and advanced hierarchy. When looking to introduce your child to Pokemon, it’s always advisable to align their age, cognitive, and physical capabilities against the demands of the game. For toddlers that are yet to grasp reading and writing, Pokemon kids TV, and plush toys come highly recommended. As the age bracket broadens to school-going toddlers, Let’s Go, and Pokemon Trading Card Games make a perfect fit as they challenge the developing children within their skill range. Overall, Generation 1, 3, and 7 of Pokemon take the vote on beginners’ list of game recommendations.


Let them choose

You’ve done the homework; now it’s time to let your child take the wheel. As psychology puts it, giving your child the decision power will often motivate their cooperation. That said, you’re better off letting your child make the call on the game they want to play even when you think you know better. If their selection is within your budget, age-appropriate, and safety guidelines, why not? After all, it’s their first rodeo; you wouldn’t want to ruin it by making them conform to your preference. That aside, going with what they’re interested in helps you build their confidence as a player and, more importantly, enhance their decision-making skills- it’s a win-win.

Gear up

First things first, get your gear right- we’re talking gaming consoles, headsets, PCs, controllers, TCG cards, and guidebooks. Ideally, all of the items that are deemed a must-have for a Pokemon player should be on your Pokemon eshop shopping cart. Introducing your child to the world of Pokemon without the right equipment is nearly impossible, so once that game selection is made, it’s time to start drawing up that gaming essentials shopping list. No need to go the high-end route; simply start with the necessities and work your way from there. Besides, it’s too soon to start exhausting your Christmas gift ideas.

Make it interactive

Nothing gets children hooked like interactive play. Lucky for you, Pokemon is now as interactive as it gets. Make a point of joining your little one for a game of Pokemon, with the fundamental goal of helping them learn the ropes. With time you can challenge them to a league or face off and watch their competitive streak develop. For the more advanced age bracket, a virtual face-off with another player will get them riled up. By augmenting this interactive element, you’re not only working that parental bond but also cultivating a great sense of sportsmanship while serving as the perfect bonding activity.

Pokemon Go

Collectable treats

From TCG cards to stuffed Eevees and Pikachu print nighties, Pokemon has a wide range of collectables that would appeal to children of all ages. Consider investing in some of these franchise-inspired merchandise to commemorate those level wins, and tough conquers. Identically, the Pokemon treats will also serve as souvenirs and an indication of identity for the young gamer. Can you imagine how thrilled your five-year-old would be with a Sun and Moon backpack? You have no idea!

Pokemon stuffed toys

Final thoughts

On one end of the Pokemon spectrum are diehard fans who can’t wait to pass this gem down to their little ones; on the other is the regular parent who has no idea what the Pokemon phenomenon is. Both have one thing in common, a unified interest in easing their kids into the Pokemon community, perhaps even bond over the experience. Initiating your child into the Pokemon universe is a huge step, and if you’re anything like most parents, such milestones mean a lot to you. Essentially, you’d want to make the most out of the experience and what better way to make it worthwhile than a good old trip down memory lane? Embark on a journey to the fantasy world of Pokemon, exploring, learning, and conquering pocket monsters with your mini-me. Let’s go!

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