3 Tips For Building Healthy Tech Habits In Kids

by Mother Huddle Staff
3 Tips For Building Healthy Tech Habits In Kids

Today’s digital age comes with a plethora of possible benefits relating to everything from shopping with the click of a button to implementing useful education technology initiatives. New generation children that are growing up in the midst of this technological boom however may simply lack the understanding of how to have a healthy relationship with the technological devices and programs they use as opposed to a toxic one. As parents cultivating understanding and establishing healthy boundaries is an essential part of modern-day good parenting.

1. Establish Digital Detox Times For Everyday

Managing internet or device usage well comes with setting down some time limitations and no-go zones. Your children should know they cannot use or access any websites that are outside of the ‘parental controls’ jurisdiction and they should update you about their online activities. Children are the most vulnerable to certain types of manipulative cybercrime and parents need to educate them on it as well as use the parental restrictions options on most websites and social media including YouTube.

Furthermore, parents should set a few times a day such as meal times for example when no sort of internet connection or digital device usage is allowed. Encouraging children to read books or adopt other forms of play can lead to them getting a much-needed digital detox from being glued to a screen all day. Blue light is just as if not more harmful for children!

2. Edtech For Better Learning

One of the ways you can create healthy tech habits in your children is to use Edtech programs that offer an innovative approach to learning and acquiring knowledge. As a parent, you can inquire at your children’s school whether they currently utilize or are thinking of investing in Edtech initiatives for their students. Edtech programs can facilitate two-way communication with teachers while working on homework or revising lessons and can save students from missing school due to pandemic-related concerns. Similar to that, enrolling your child in different tech courses, such as learning about ai for kids, will give them a better idea of how to use the internet safely and efficiently.

3. Quality Parent-Child Time

Children learn the most from what they see which is why the old adage ‘actions speak louder than words’ applies when it comes to over-reliance and addiction to digital devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets. As a parent you need to put your beliefs into practice by showing that reading books, swimming, finishing a puzzle, or playing board games is just as much fun as solitary gaming on a device.

Take the time out to do a fun activity with your child every day or at least every few days so they learn the value of spending quality time with one’s family over simply surfing social media. This quality time will also teach kids to be more mindful of how they spend their day and to distinguish aimless internet use from productive learning that can be done on the web or through digital programs and products. As any experienced teacher will tell you, hands-on learning can often be the most effective which is why 3D printers and a sublimation printer are excellent tools for schools to invest in for classroom use.


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