Caring for Cane Chairs

by Mother Huddle Staff
Caring for Cane Chairs

Cane chairs have a unique look to them. They also have a storied history, dating as far back as the second century AD. You love how yours looks, but there may be a time when you do have to get a chair cane replacement. Until then, here are some tips on how to care for them.

Avoid Extreme Heat and Low Humidity

If you have your chair in this sort of environment, you can expect it to dry out very quickly. As a result, it’s going to wind up becoming very brittle and easily breakable. Also, you should keep it away from heater ducts and direct sunlight.

Evenly Distribute Your Weight When Sitting

You should sit with your rear end directly on the seat. Don’t lean back on it too much, since that might stress one part of the seat too much. You can protect the chair some by having a cushion on top of it. This also means not standing on it or kneeling on it to get something.

Regularly Moisturize the Cane

As we mentioned before, we said to keep the cane from drying out. That means you can use a damp cloth or a specially made oil on a regular basis. Think of it as skin care for the chair. It’s a very easy thing to do, taking a matter of minutes, and it can really help improve its longevity.

Regularly Tighten the Cane

The chair is made of interwoven fabrics, and it can wind up sagging despite your best efforts. You can fix that by tightening the cane, which will help protect the inside edge of the seat frame. You can also use a warm cloth on the underside of the chair to offer relief to the fabric that isn’t too badly worn or stretched. This is left overnight and then no one sits on the chair for the next two days. After that, it should be tight again.

There are several other things you can do, like making sure to only paint one side of the cane, using a special polish to help keep it looking good and preventing any possible discoloration. It’s worth the effort – having a set of these can give your place a unique look. The overall maintenance isn’t too time-consuming, and the cleaning supplies are not on the expensive side.

These types of chairs have been around for nearly two thousand years. You can contribute your own part of history by owning a set.

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