How To Make Scalp Treatments At Home

by Hannah
How To Make Scalp Treatments At Home

Do you suffer from an itchy, dry, or flaky scalp? It’s time to put down those expensive hair products and try some DIY scalp treatments at home! Using natural ingredients that you already have in your pantry; you can create effective remedies to soothe and moisturize your scalp. Not only are these treatments easy to use, but they’re also affordable and free of harsh chemicals. Get ready to say goodbye to those pesky scalp issues that won’t go away and hello to a healthy and happy scalp!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy for treating dry scalp. It helps to balance the pH of the scalp and reduce inflammation. To use apple cider vinegar, mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water and apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is another natural ingredient that can soothe and moisturize the scalp. This one you won’t have in your pantry, but you can easily buy one in any plant or home improvement store! It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help to reduce itching and flaking. To use aloe vera, just cut off a piece and apply the gel directly onto your scalp and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off. However, only cut what you need. Aloe vera only stores in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help to treat dry scalp caused by dandruff or fungus. To use tea tree oil, mix just a few drops of tea tree oil with another oil like coconut or jojoba oil if you can find it, and lightly massage it into your scalp for a few minutes. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing off.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a very popular natural remedy for dry scalp. It contains lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties that can help to reduce inflammation and irritation. To use coconut oil as a natural scalp treatment, warm the coconut oil and lightly massage it into your scalp for a few minutes. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off with shampoo. You may even need to wash your hair twice to get all the coconut oil out of your hair. However, we don’t recommend this approach if you have dry or brittle hair.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is another natural ingredient that can help to moisturize and soothe the scalp. It contains antioxidants that can help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy hair growth. To use olive oil as a scalp treatment, warm the olive oil and lightly massage it into your scalp for a few minutes then leave it on for about 30 minutes before washing it off with shampoo. Like coconut oil, you may need to wash your hair twice and we don’t recommend this approach if you have dry or brittle hair.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can help to exfoliate the scalp and remove dead skin cells. It also has antifungal properties that can help to reduce the fungi that cause dandruff. To baking soda, mix one tablespoon of baking soda with water to form a paste. Then apply that paste to your scalp while massaging it in for a few minutes before rinsing it off.

Egg Yolks

Egg yolks contain proteins that can help to moisturize the scalp and as a bonus will help strengthen your hair. To use egg yolks, separate one or two egg yolks from their whites, whisk and then apply them to your scalp. Leave the egg yolks on for about 30 minutes before washing them off with shampoo.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil has antimicrobial properties that can help to reduce dandruff and promote healthy hair growth too. To use rosemary oil, mix a few drops of rosemary oil with coconut oil or olive oil and then lightly massage it onto your scalp. Leave it on for about 30 minutes before washing it off with shampoo.

Home Scalp Treatment FAQs

What causes dry Scalp?

Dry scalp can be caused by many things. Hard water, cheap hair products, hair products not meant for your hair type, washing your hair too often, not drinking enough water daily, medical conditions like psoriasis or eczema, medications and even cold weather can cause dry scalp.

Are natural remedies effective for treating dry scalp?

Yes, natural remedies can be effective for treating dry scalp. They can help moisturize and soothe your scalp without the use of harsh chemicals. However, not every natural remedy will work for everyone. If you’re not seeing any improvement or your dry scalp appears to be getting worse, please see a medical professional. You may have an undiagnosed medical condition causing your dry scalp.

How often should I use natural scalp treatment?

You can use natural scalp treatments as often as needed. However, it really depends on your hair type. It’s best to start with once a week and see how your scalp responds to the treatment.

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