Studying is hard. It requires dedication and hard work to survive through school and college. And, apart from this, there are plenty of challenges facing students on a daily basis.
Given the vast academic load and challenges that come along the way, there is no wonder why so many students are struggling with school. They often have a hard time dealing with loads of academic papers, exams, and other academic matters. And, they often need support to get through these challenges.
When kids get older and go to college, they can deal with their academic struggles on their own. To free up some time, they often use EssayPro; they also do it to get a deeper understanding of the matter. But, until then, it is a parents’ responsibility to ensure their kids’ success in school.
If you are also looking for ways to help your child achieve better results in school, you’ve come to the right place! From this article, you will learn about the top six signs that your kid is underperforming and will find handy tips on how to set them up for success.

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash
1. Changing Attitude
At first, the majority of kids feel quite excited about going to school. They find it a new and interesting experience, they meet many peers, make new friends, and these positive associations help them retain motivation for studying. But, then, many of them are changing their attitudes. And this is the first clear sign that your child is struggling.
When you notice your child becoming angry or distant about their academics, it might be an indicator that something is not going too well. Another emotion to watch out for is boredom.
How to help: If a learner’s attitude is changing, your task is to communicate with them to help find the cause. Maybe there are strained relationships with teachers or classmates. Maybe the child lacks focus, motivation, or simply doesn’t understand the material. In any case, try to dig deeper, find the cause, and help your kid regain a positive attitude.
2. Spending Too Much Time on Homework
For all parents wondering if their kids are doing okay in school, another indicator to keep an eye on is the amount of time they spend on their homework. On average students are expected to spend one hour or less on their homework for every subject. Unless, of course, the teacher’s homework policy is different.
When everything is clear, learners should only spend a reasonable amount of time on their assignments. But, when they start spending hours on end and fall into a pattern of having no (or very little) free time outside of school, it might be a sign that they are struggling.
How to help: First and foremost, let your child know that he or she is not alone in his struggle. Show willingness to assist them with homework and don’t punish him until you figure out the cause of the struggle. Also, show kids that there are plenty of handy tools that can assist them with their homework assignments.
3. Receiving Poor Grades or Reports From Teachers
Every parent gets somewhat worried seeing their children receive low grades and poor reports from teachers. The big mistake that the majority of them make at this point is punishing students for poor performance. If this happens in your family, you should try to figure out the cause instead of getting straight to the punishment.
In fact, poor reports and low grades are also among the signs that indicate struggling in school. And your task is to help your child get through the challenge.
How to help: Keep an eye on what teachers say about your kid’s academic progress. Carefully listen to all remarks made by teachers, especially if what they are saying doesn’t seem typical for your child’s behavior.
Also, participate in your kid’s life more. Show that you are willing to discuss their problems and assist with finding a solution. When you see them struggle, join in and provide tips on how to cope with their assignments. Do everything you can to show support.
Acknowledging your kid’s small wins is one way to show your support. If they have struggled before but are making small improvements now, that’s already a cause for celebration that merits an award ribbon for their effort.
Parents need to understand that each kid is different. What might have helped others in their studies might not necessarily help your child. You just have to let them know that you’ll be there for them no matter what. This simple gesture will already have a profound effect on your kid.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
4. Unwillingness to Discuss School
As a parent, you should know that children are extremely emotional. So, when they have something good going on in their lives, they are always willing to talk about it. Respectively, when a kid suddenly refuses to talk about school, it is a clear sign that something’s not right, especially if your child was rather open before.
How to help: If you notice this red flag, the main thing you should do is get involved in your kid’s everyday life more. Show openness to discuss how their days go. Also, indicate that you can discuss not only the positive but also negative aspects and challenges that the learner is facing. Apart from communicating, be sure to assist with homework.
At the same time, be sure that you don’t push too hard. You must show respect to your kid’s personal boundaries and not force them to discuss stuff before they are ready.
5. Misbehavior
The next signal for you to watch out for is the behavior of your kid in school. We all know that youngsters tend to misbehave when they are trying to attract the attention of adults. You should see it as their way of speaking up and showing that there are certain troubles they are facing in their social or school life.
How to help: In terms of behavior, it is important that parents stay in contact with their kids’ teachers and keep track of their behavior in school. If you start noticing that a child who used to behave well suddenly begins acting differently, you have to discuss this with teachers first. Try to figure out what is going on in their social and academic lives.
After having a talk with teachers, have one with your child as well. Express interest in their life. Show that you are always there for them and willing to listen to and assist with their issues.
6. Displaying Physical Symptoms
Lastly, another way to tell if your kids are struggling with school is to look at the physical symptoms they show. If you notice issues with sleep, changing eating patterns, or different kinds of aches, this might be due to the academic challenges they face.
How to help: Often, especially if we are talking about younger children, the physical symptoms we mentioned earlier can be a sign that your kid is experiencing anxiety or stress. If that’s the case, be sure to discuss these issues with your kid. Listen to their worries and show support.
In the most difficult cases, don’t hesitate to turn for the professional assistance of, let’s say, a counselor. Sometimes, dealing with stress and anxiety requires special therapy. So, keep an eye on your child’s emotional state.
The Bottom Line
As you now know, telling if your kid is struggling with school isn’t too hard. Now, you know about the most obvious signs and have a set of handy tips on how to assist them with their issues.
Use this article as your guide to help your child get through school with ease and set them up for academic success!