Importance of Mental Health for Children

by Mother Huddle Staff
Importance of Mental Health for Children

Mental health as a whole is important as it plays a role in one’s ability to succeed in society, school and work, no matter age. As children continually develop into their adult years, it is the most important stage of mental growth. Whatever they learn during their developmental stages stay with them long term. Somebody who is younger working on their mental health has more time to grow, but an adult who has a lot of mental health issues has to work very hard and extensively to break bad patterns.

It’s important to focus on mental health in children as receiving the proper care and treatment early on can help them lead to success for the future in adulthood. As children grow and mature, they develop habits, which are important to focus on being healthy habits that allow for good social skills and ways to cope with problems and their emotions.

How to Support Children’s Mental Health

Supporting the healthy cultivation of mental health in a child starts with the way you treat them. For instance, a child who receives unconditional love from their parents may be more comfortable to share uncomfortable things with their parents. A child should feel safe, secure and loved in the environment they grow up in. Children need to know that it is ok to make mistakes and it doesn’t impact the love they may receive.

Having confidence is also key for positive mental health. This is nurtured by praise and encouragement, as well as having set goals to reach. A good balance between praise and instructive discipline is of utmost importance. When there is balance, children can explore and learn about making the right choice, consequences of bad choices, and more.

Feelings are an important emphasis in mental health. Talking about why you feel a certain way may help your child understand proper techniques for dealing with their emotions in a healthy way.

When to Seek Professional Help

Fear is a common gateway that leads to negative behavior. Some warning signs that your child may need psychological evaluation or help includes:

  • Decline in school
  • Anxiety
  • Refusal to take part in normal child activities such as playing at the park
  • Hyperfocus
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Aggression
  • Disobedience
  • Nightmares
  • Depression or irritability

Common Mental Health Disorders

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Conduct disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Mental health Linked to Juvenile Charges

According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 70% of juveniles that commit crimes have at least one diagnosable mental illness. Some of the top mental health disorders include ADHD, conduct disorder, depression and bipolar disorder.

Because of this, the children that do not get the help they need in support of their mental disorder turn to unhealthy ways to cope such as by participating in crimes such as underage possession of drugs and alcohol, fighting as well as assault. The way a child is raised, as well as the environment they were raised in plays a role in how they develop.

If your child is charged and arrested for a crime, contact a Colorado juvenile charge attorney to help minimize consequences or even seal their record, so that the mistakes they make at a young age do not affect their future.

Where to Seek Help

  • National and Local Mental health organizations such as Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • Health services
    • Psychiatric care, therapy and counseling
    • Child’s pediatrician
  • Education
    • Peer assisted learning programs
  • Crisis hotlines and outreach teams
  • Self help and support groups

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