Looking After Yourself And Your New Baby Postpartum

by Mother Huddle Staff
Looking After Yourself And Your New Baby Postpartum

The postpartum period can be tough. A lot of new mums aren’t given the information or the support that they actually need, and this can lead to feelings of not being good enough and inadequacy. While this is not true in the slightest, feelings are important, and knowing how to take care of yourself is going to be a massive help. Down below, we’re going to be taking a look at some helpful tips to look after yourself and your little one during this postpartum period, so keep reading if you would like to know more.

Don’t Forget The Basics

While it might sound obvious, make sure that you are not forgetting the basics. These are things like drinking enough water, eating enough, and keeping up with your basic hygiene needs as well as the baby’s. We know that this can be really tough on top of taking care of a newborn, but you deserve to be looked after too, even if it is only in these super basic ways. 

If you are struggling to find time to do these things, then try to time it when your baby is doing them. If your baby is having their milk, drink some water and have a snack, or do this when they nod off to sleep. If your baby is having a wash in the bath, give yourself a wash at the same time. It’s the basic things that will make you feel the most refreshed, we can promise you that.

Don’t Forget The Basics

If There Was An Issue

If there was an issue during your birth that was the result of negligence or something along these lines from the medical staff, then this can be damaging to your mental health. There have been women who have been left traumatized from their birthing experience, and this is not fair in the slightest. If this sounds like you, then you may have a case and you can get in touch with a birth injury solicitor as soon as possible to see what the next steps are. 

While this is not essential, it might help heal some part of your mental health to know that there has been justice for you and your baby. 

Know That You Can’t Do Everything Alone

Finally, having a baby can be the most rewarding and exhausting thing you have ever done in your life. You are not expected to do this stage of your life alone, yet you can if you choose to. A lot of people rely on partners or parents to help them, especially while they are adjusting in the early days. Having someone you can call on, or even a couple of people can lessen the load and give you some adult company as well. 

Looking after yourself and your baby isn’t always the easiest thing to do when you are postpartum. Your mind is all over the place, your hormones are everywhere and your body is tired. Even though all of this is true, you still need to do your best for both you and your little one. You both deserve your love and care, so make sure that you are doing this to the best of your ability. 

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