Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and I don’t know about you but I love it when my baby makes me things! I love keeping things she’s made for me and getting them out and looking at them every so often. It reminds me of all sorts of things my adorable tiny human has done that I would maybe not remember otherwise. On the likely chance that you, too, appreciate handmade gifts from the fruits of your womb, here’s a list of crafts they can make that I’m sure you’ll love to receive!
1. Mother’s Day Paper Tulip Card
I figured we’d start with cards, and my favourite flowers are tulips so we’re starting with this one! My daughter is chomping at the bit to make me one of these and I am really looking forward to seeing it! It’s so pretty and cute and with enough challenge to keep them interested for a while. Of course, here in Australia and in pretty much every other English-speaking country, we spell it ‘Mum’!
This is another super cute card featuring flowers, and one of my favourite crafty bits, buttons! This card seems a little easier to make, especially if an adult cuts out the teacup section, so it might be better for younger crafters than the above card.
Coffee filters aren’t used that much here in Australia. We tend to brew our ground coffee in a cafetiere (aka a French press or coffee plunger) at home. But when I saw these beautiful flowers, I was determined to find some! I think these are just so very, very pretty! I also really want to have a go making them, so I think this’ll be one craft my daughter and I do together.
Okay so this is listed as a Valentine’s gift, but I think it’s right up the alley of many a Mother’s Day gift. It’s cute and if your household is anything like ours, you’ll have a variety of coloured ink pads floating around the house to make this gift truly one of a kind (get it? Because fingerprints are unique? Hahaha).
This one takes a little advance planning, but what a pretty thing to have on the window! My daughter loves to pick flowers from our garden and arrange them in vases, and though we have a flower press we’ve not actually used it, yet. I know she’d have an absolute blast making these decorations up and I’d love to have them up in the windows, after!
I’m a big fan of pretty flowers that don’t wilt after a week! These are cute, vibrant, and also have buttons! I’d love to receive a bouquet of these and I know kids would love to make them!
Salt dough could easily be replaced with air-dry clay if you have some of that, but I included this one because I like that you can make it with things you likely already have at home. There’s a lot of photo-frame Mother’s Day craft ideas but I think this one takes the cake. Just remember to keep the dough well away from pets as it can be deadly to them if consumed.
If you’re going to make up a batch of salt dough anyway, why not make two crafts with it instead of one? Also, oh my goodness do I love my baby’s handprints! Ugh, so cute! I love having a few things from over the years with her handprints on them, I wish I’d done it more, though, because the time has just flown by and my tiny baby is seeming so grown up already!
Okay so I am really, really, really, not someone who’s into décor that is comprised of just words on a canvas or cut out letters. You know the ones, the ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ or what have you. Not to yuck anyone else’s yum, I just don’t like them. So this one only just makes it onto the list, and it’s only because it has the double whammy of immortalising not only my baby’s handprint, but ALSO HER FEETIES! I’m done, I need this, that’s all there is to it. Also, I’ll be making the base canvas a nicer colour. Lime green is my favourite colour followed closely by moss green and olive green, but the light Kelly green used in the tutorial looks like something Linda Blair vomited. Yikes!
Who doesn’t love a bath bomb?! What I love about this recipe in particular is its probably things you already have at home. You can also do variations so easily, swap out the essential oil for rose and add rose petals, for example. My daughter loves making bath bombs, but we haven’t tried this recipe yet and I’m looking forward to giving it a go!