5 Reasons to Nurture Your Kids in Faith and Love

by Mother Huddle Staff
5 Reasons to Nurture Your Kids in Faith and Love

Anne of Green Gables once asked, “Which would you rather be if you had the choice—divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?” One would wish to be a little bit of everything. Parents would want it for their kids. They would wish the best for their children, and nurturing them to grow up as responsible, kind, and faithful adults is the best way to go.

While most parents might find it hard to juggle their daunting responsibilities, nurturing their children still tops the list. You can let them pray in silence or help them keep track by starting a prayer journal, but remember that at the heart of this duty is the need to get closer to God, helping them understand the world’s mysteries through strong, unwavering faith and love.

Here are some of the most compelling reasons you need to incorporate faith and love when nurturing your kids.

It Will Cultivate a Strong Set of Ethics

Many religious teachings have a set of timeless values, morality, and a sense of integrity that helps one live a meaningful life. Children are often curious about the way of the world. As a parent, you should be able to embrace this curiosity by letting them know about the higher rules when it comes to right and wrong.

No matter what happens, they should always choose to do the right thing, even when they don’t feel like it or even if no one is looking. Something is considered wrong if it harms or hurts themselves or others.

It Can Inspire a Feeling of Security

Kids who know God can feel safe and secure. Faith is one of the biggest sources of comfort for children who are still making sense of the world. It’s a good way to help them channel pain and disappointments into lasting lessons. It will teach them to be more patient, understanding, and grateful. Teaching them early that they can turn to their faith when the going gets tough and draw strength and hope from it can be highly beneficial in helping them grow as adults grounded by faith.

It Can Give Them a Feeling of Self-Worth

It Can Give Them a Feeling of Self-Worth

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Children need to know and feel they are loved and cherished. Teaching them to build a special relationship with God will nourish their self-esteem. They should know they are a child God, made for a special purpose. This steadfast belief can foster a strong sense of self-worth, lifting them when worries and self-doubt flood them.

It Will Help Them Grow with Kindness and Compassion

Early on, children need to learn the importance of showing compassion to others. By letting them know about the teachings of God, they will be able to empathize with those who are suffering and treat everyone kindness. You can teach them in action too by including them when you donate clothes, food, or toys to those in need or volunteer.

It Will Provide Them a Strong Sense of Community

Children who grow up in a secure community often avoid the pitfalls of adulthood. By introducing God to them and cultivating their faith through bringing them to church, you expose them to different people from all walks of life who come together through faith. They will see that these people learn and worship together while supporting each other. It can create in them a strong bond and a sense of belongingness. They will also learn to appreciate traditions and holiday celebrations.

If you are hesitant about what your little one will learn, there is an engaging kid’s church curriculum integrated into many churches that will help your kid study religion more creatively and stay on track. By providing interactive and creative content, these programs will help your kid to remain interested in the topics while also providing structure and support so that they can understand the religious concepts being taught. Additionally, these programs can also help to instill good values in your kid so that they can grow up to be responsible and compassionate adults as well as develop in the community.

Wrapping It Up

Now that you know the importance of nurturing your kids in faith and love, it’s time for you to put your beliefs into practice. You should make sure to guide your children with the teachings of God as they learn to spread their wings and find their own place in the world.

Be prepared for their avalanche of questions, but know and admit that you don’t have all the answers. Incorporate love and faith in the little things. It can be simply acknowledging God’s hand in everyday existence when your child is enjoying rain puddles or the sight of wildflowers. They can gaze up at the star-strewn sky and realize God’s amazing creation.

Children nurtured in a family culture deeply rooted in a strong foundation of faith and good works will grow up well.

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