Stopping Arthritis From Stealing your Home

by Mother Huddle Staff
Stopping Arthritis From Stealing your Home

Living with arthritis can make everyday activities feel like a challenge. Uncomfortable, painful and infuriating, arthritis can make even the smallest task seem daunting. What was once a breeze is now a hurdle to overcome and none more so than climbing the stairs. 

For people with pain in their hips, knees and ankles, steps and stairs can become an insurmountable challenge, robbing them of full independent use of their homes and making them seem like a prisoner in what was once their pride and joy. 

A degenerative disease with no cure, it can seem like arthritis sufferers have no escape. But there are ways to regain full use of the home and enjoy the feeling of independence

Invest in a stairlift

Buying or renting a stairlift can change the way you use your home by eliminating the physical exertion of using the stairs. By installing a stairlift you remove the pain and stress that clambering up and down stairs numerous times a day brings, leaving you with more joy, less stress and extra time to get on with your life. Shop around to see the best type of stairlift and book a home survey to ensure your stairlift works for you.

Get moving 

Get moving

If you find yourself stationary or have a job that involves a lot of sitting around then even moving briefly will help those aches and pains. A gentle walk around the living room, to the coffee machine or up and down the garden can help you loosen up the muscles and give you the confidence to tackle those stairs. 

Other ideas for exercise include swimming, cycling, tai chi, and even gardening. Even the smallest amount of physical exercise can make a huge difference to your general well being.

Build up your legs muscles

Obviously, before you begin any exercise regime it’s a great idea to discuss it with your doctor. They will be able to help you plan a programme that will work best for you. Start slow, this is a long term goal, not an immediate fix. Small lunges are a great place to start and can help keep you feeling limber. 



Yoga is a great option to reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Yin Yoga is a good option as it reduces stress, muscle tension and anxiety by matching your breathing to movement. Starting off small, a few minutes a day can help you feel relaxed and calm, pushing away that tense feeling that can sometimes exacerbate the problems associated with arthritis. 

Enjoy a healthy diet

A diet rich in fruit, vegetables and fish will give a much-needed boost to your immune system and overall health, whereas a plant-based diet provides antioxidants that are great at reducing inflammation. Diets rich in red meat, saturated fat and processed foods may aggravate inflammation. 

We are not advocating a vegan or vegetarian diet unless that is something that appeals to you, but by reducing your meat intake and adding my fruit and veg into your diet your arthritis pains should subside. 

A great way of adding more fruit and veg is to drink smoothies. Tasty, quick and easy, they are a great way of giving your body a boost. 

Turmeric is a great antioxidant and has inflammatory properties. Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin which may help reduce pain and inflammation. Adding a small amount of this mild and delicious spice to your meals and smoothies will ease your worries. 

Manage your weight


Embarking on a healthier diet will also have the added benefit of reducing any excess weight. Extra weight can have a huge impact on your joints, adding more pressure to the knees, hips and feet. Your doctor can help you set a target weight and combined with exercise, yoga and healthy eating habits, it shouldn’t be too difficult to reach. 

Losing weight can help increase mobility, decrease pain and prevent future damage to your joints. 

Use hot and cold therapy 

Hot treatments, such as taking a long warm bath or shower in the morning can help ease stiffness and using electric blankets or heating pads can help reduce discomfort overnight. 

Cold treatments can help relieve joint pain, swelling and inflammation. Using a gel ice pack, pack or frozen vegetable in a towel or using wrapped ice bags applied to painful joints can relieve pain quickly. 


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