How Parents Can Support Their Child’s Education and Development

by Mother Huddle Staff
How Parents Can Support Their Child's Education and Development

When it comes to your child’s education, supporting them in a way that works with them as a person and their strengths can be the best way to help them achieve their full potential. 

Every child has different qualities, and being able to nurture those qualities and get them the best education possible can go a long way in ensuring that they are able to explore all of their talents and skills in a way that benefits who they are and what they enjoy. If you force your child into a way of learning or emphasize one particular aspect of education that maybe they don’t feel comfortable with or isn’t to their strengths, you might find this has the opposite effect of what you want to achieve.

As a parent, how can you help your child and give them an all-rounded experience that sets them up nicely for life?

Academic Schooling

Not all schools are equal in terms of the experience that they offer, and for students who excel academically, it can be worth finding a school that recognizes this and are able to provide a higher standard of learning than you give them at home if you home school or they might not get in mainstream education in state schools.

Looking at a top private school with proven track records in smashing goals and helping children succeed academically can be a worthwhile option if you are able to afford the fee. They will experience a more personal type of education in private schools than public and have staff who spend time ensuring your child succeeds academically.

Explore Creativity

It isn’t only academically that your child can excel in education; allowing them to explore their creative side fully can enhance their learning and support development during this time. 

Not all children are blessed with the ability to do well in the core subjects of education, be it English, sciences, math; some are more creative and need to be able to explore a different side of them. Pitting them against their peers and holding them to standards they are unlikely to achieve will only succeed in harming their journey.

Instead, focus on what they are good at and where they will succeed. This can be via music, art, drama, or more practical lessons like textiles. There is more than one way to be intelligent and successful, and it isn’t just being book smart. Some children will learn different ways and you must focus on these other areas to help them reach their goals. If this sounds like your child, then stop worrying about the rest and allow them to focus on their strengths and passions. 

It doesn’t matter the medium they are creative in; they can learn a whole host of skills and talents, from improved hand-eye coordination, meeting deadlines to complete work, improved attention and concentration, the ability to think outside the box, lower stress levels, collaboration skills, teamwork and much more.

Sporting Prowess

Again like allowing your child to be creative, supporting their sporting triumphs and ability can be an excellent way to enhance their education. Sports stars will learn a range of information on how to keep their body fit and healthy, how their bodies work, and what it needs to help them play their chosen sport.

Not only are they being active and doing something they enjoy, for those who are passionate about it, but they will also likely delve deeper into the subject and be able to apply many different areas of education to how they play the sport.

In many schools, it is a requirement for sporty students to maintain a set average grade in specific subjects to ensure they don’t fall behind. So while this can be beneficial, it might not always seem like your child is doing well if you focus on those grades alone. Instead, look at what they get out of the game, how they act, what information they pick up, and what skills they are leaving. From teamwork to critical thinking, problem-solving, time management, and communication. All of which will be beneficial in later life.

Support Socialization

Children learn a lot from their peers and people around them. And swinging back to some children not being book-smart plays right into this content. It might be that your child will learn more from talking to others, volunteering in the community and at school, helping with organizations and being around others, and getting involved in commitment and the like.

While spending too much time socializing in the traditional sense is often frowned on in mainstream education, there can be massive benefits in letting your child explore why they enjoy this and what they get out of it.

You can focus on the fact that they are learning people skills that will set them up for the future, but they can improve their communication, learn how to engage with others and have them immerse themselves, learn conflict resolution, gain confidence, and pick up essential knowledge. This is especially important if your child struggles in the classroom and can’t retain information presented this way. Being able to talk to others can help them find alternative ways of learning to get the support they need. Find classes and groups that allow your child to engage in these activities and watch them grow in confidence.

Your child may not learn how you expect them to or that educators tell you they need to. Pushing them to learn in a way that doesn’t work for them will only teach them that you expect them to fit into a specific mold and that they aren’t good enough for who they are. Education is more than doing well academically; some children are wired differently. It is about finding a way in which your children are more receptive to and allowing them to incorporate this into their education for a more well-rounded experience. And for those areas, they aren’t so good in? Then providing extra support such as tutors, lowering your expectations, and putting their needs first will go a long way in helping them to learn as much as possible and become the best version of themselves possible.

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