Working Moms: Tips for Balancing Motherhood and Your Career

by Mother Huddle Staff
Working Moms- Tips for Balancing Motherhood and Your Career

Motherhood is a full-time job of its own. Managing a career and motherhood is like trying to balance two full-time work schedules. You might be wondering, “how is this even possible in only 24 hour days?”

It’s crucial to have an organized personal life to have a successful career, especially for women. After having kids, women often take care of their children full-time, affecting their work tremendously. Finding the balance between career and parenthood poses more challenges for women. They’re playing the role of both mother, father, homemaker, or team member of a company. 

It’s a challenge. That’s not up for debate, but working moms can find the balance they need to juggle both. Continue reading below for 4 tips on how to balance a career and motherhood. 

1. Finding Peace of Mind in Formula

For new moms or even experienced moms with another newborn, finding the right formula for their babies is a challenge. This is especially true if you’d really like to breastfeed bust can’t due to your work schedule or other factors. Luckily, there is a better option than milk-based formula. 

Holle Organic Formula is all-natural and of the highest quality. Moms won’t have to worry about feeding their babies milk-based formulas from cows that are given antibiotics or growth hormones. If you’re a mother who can’t breastfeed but doesn’t want to use the typical formulas, give yourself peace of mind by choosing a formula that you know is healthy for your baby while you’re at work.

2. Plan the Day and Plan the Week

A great way to relieve anxiety and stress is to plan the day and even plan out the week. Know which tasks need to be accomplished for the day, which need to be accomplished at the end of the week, and which ones can be put off for a later date. By putting together a schedule and sticking to it, you ease your mind because you know you’re on schedule. 

This also helps for when you arrive home. By sticking to your planned schedule, you won’t have to worry about work duties at home. When you do arrive home, put your phone done and be done with work for the day.

A good tip is to set aside 20 minutes for each child to have their own one-on-one mommy time with you. Let them choose whatever they’d like to do with you during that time and enjoy it with them. It might not seem like much, but it’ll make a huge difference

As a working mom, you have a lot on your plate. You have a home to take care of, a family, a career, and even a social life. You can be a loving mom and a successful career woman as long as your goals are priorities are clear.

3. Share Household Duties

It’s also important that you share the household duties with everyone in the home. Even the little ones like helping with chores, because it makes them feel special and as if they’re part of the team. You can assign small tasks to the younger ones such as dusting the house, cleaning the mirrors and windows, or loading the dishwasher. 

If you have older ones, be sure that they’re there to help out as well with some of the more difficult chores such as taking out the trash or vacuuming. When everyone pitches in, it takes a lot of stress off of you and you can enjoy being at home much more. Have a chore chart and assigned tasks for everyone to complete.

4. Let Go of That Mom Guilt

The very last thing that you need to do to balance your career life with motherhood is to let go of that mom guilt. Not everyone has the option of being a stay at home mom. You go to work to provide for your children and your family.

It’s often difficult for moms to ask for help. You can get so busy and involved that you begin to think that you need and must do it all. Yet, not asking for help will put you on the fast track to burnout. There are times where you may need to spend long hours at work, especially when there are plenty of tasks to finish. You might also need help from your spouse, partner, or your older kids in these cases.

Yet if you have no one to help you with these duties, you could consider looking for a before and after school facility to care for your kids while you’re not around. If you’re searching for more information on reliable care facilities for kids, click here.

Don’t allow yourself to feel as though you’re abandoning them. And don’t push yourself to believe that the house needs to be sparkling clean at any given moment. Your children would much rather spend time with you than walk on shinning floors. 

You’re doing the best you can, so keep telling yourself that and let go of that mom guilt!

5. Start a home-based business

If you are looking for a way to manage your needs as a parent but also achieve your career goals, you should consider starting your own home-based business; however, if you are a first-time business owner, it can be challenging to get the support you need if this is the case you should consider purchasing a home-based franchise. These franchise opportunities can often be started for as low as $5,000, providing a great business opportunity for mompreneurs. If you are ready to begin your search for your ideal home-based franchise opportunity, check out Franchise UK today.

Working Moms Do It All

That’s right, working moms do it all. They learn to juggle raising children while climbing the ladder in their career. It’s a lot of hard work and stressful days, but following these 4 tips above is a great place to start when wanting to find a good balance. 

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