Tips on Finding the Best Product Liability Attorney

by Mother Huddle Staff
Tips on Finding the Best Product Liability Attorney

If you are looking for a lawyer for food poisoning, you may be wondering where to start. When people are injured after using a product, such as eating contaminated food or taking a prescription drug, an experienced product liability attorney can help determine whether you can file a lawsuit against the seller, restaurant, or manufacturer. But how do you find the right attorney? Continue reading to learn what to look for when finding a product liability attorney for your food poisoning case.

Tips for Choosing the Best Product Liability Attorney

When searching for a food poisoning/product liability attorney, here are a few things to keep in mind:


Determine how long the attorney in question has been practicing. Does he or she have past experience handling product liability cases? If so, what were the results of these cases? You can also check your state bar association to see if the lawyer you are considering has any past disciplinary problems.


Check where the attorney you are considering went to school. What is their area of specialization? Has the attorney in question taken any continuing education courses, and if so, what were they?


This is where you really want to dive into an attorney’s specialized experience in the product liability field. You really want to make sure that the attorney you are considering knows the law very well in this particular area. Maybe he or she belongs to some association or has certain credentials that may be beneficial in helping your case.

Seek Referrals

If you’ve ever worked with an attorney before, you can always ask that lawyer if they have any referrals to product liability lawyers. If not, you can always inquire with your friends and family. Networking is important. Hopefully, you can come across someone who can help guide you in the right direction.

Know the Amount you Are Expected to Pay

No one wants to get surprised by high legal fees, especially while you are dealing with an injury. Fortunately, you should be able to find an attorney who offers contingency fees. With this method, you will not have to pay anything until you are compensated for your injuries.

Either way, it is important to select an attorney with experience and who is successful. Choosing an attorney is similar to choosing a surgeon for a complicated operation. It is imperative that you do research because there are so many lawyers out there.

Do you Have a Food Poisoning Claim?

Food poisoning cases are difficult to prove but it means that someone else is at fault for causing you direct illness.

Some examples of different situations where a restaurant could be at fault for causing food poisoning include:

  • The restaurant failed to display policies for safely handling food
  • The restaurant failed to maintain safe conditions or temperatures when storing perishable food
  • Employees of a restaurant were careless when it came to preparing, handling, and even serving food. For instance, not washing your hands after using the bathroom and then handling food is considered negligence.

A lawyer who has experience handling food poisoning cases can offer you assistance when it comes to putting together some evidence and proving fault.

What Type of Compensation Can I Receive for Food Poisoning Claims?

You are entitled or eligible to receive compensation for any loss that occurred as a direct result of developing food poisoning including:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

However, if the food poisoning case caused a fatality, the surviving family members are eligible to file a wrongful death claim for damages. Again, an experienced attorney who specializes in food poisoning cases can help you prove your case and provide you with the compensation you deserve.

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