How To Turn The Attic Into A Perfect Play Area For The Kids

by Mother Huddle Staff
How To Turn The Attic Into A Perfect Play Area For The Kids

Are you sick and tired of stepping on Lego in the middle of the night? Or tripping over tiny fire trucks while you are rushing to the bathroom in the morning? Do you wish you could sit on your sofa without having to remove a dozen dolls? Having a designated play space for your kids will not only help you keep your home neat and clutter-free, but it will also keep you at peace knowing that your little ones are safe. After all, there are surely plenty of areas in your home that are not exactly kid-friendly, starting with the kitchen. Luckily, if you have an attic, you can easily turn that space into a playroom for your children. Follow these steps and your little ones will surely be thrilled with the outcome.

Ensure a safe entry

The first thing you should think about is how your kids will get to the attic and climb down when they are finished playing. Most standard homes have a ladder that leads to the attic, but that is not the safest solution. Your little ones can easily trip and fall down, so you want something more practical than a ladder. A spiral staircase with a sturdy handrail could be a great option. Also, you could consider creating an access point from your kids’ bedroom where you can install a reliable staircase. If your children enjoy going down the slide, think about placing one as an exit point.

Insulate the attic

Without insulation, your attic could be too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, so make sure you find the best way to insulate an attic. By installing this material not only will this space become much more comfortable for your family, but your energy bills will become lower. In other words, you will save a lot of money in the long run. Furthermore, good insulation can reduce the noise your kids will cause, so you can have some peace and quiet while they are playing upstairs.

Insulate the attic

Fix the flooring

If your attic is not in the best shape, call a professional who will determine whether your attic floor is strong enough to endure the extra weight and whether everything is up to code. When you have fixed the floor or established that it is in tip-top condition, you can start thinking about the flooring. Since this will be a kid-friendly space, go with durable materials and fun prints. Most carpet shops have a wide array of carpets with prints for boys and girls that can be easily fitted. Also, this type of flooring can be quickly replaced whenever needed.

Install lighting

Your little ones mustn’t strain their eyes in order to see their toys, so make sure you provide plenty of general lighting as well as task lighting. Since this task involves some electrical work, use this time to check on wires and circuit panels. If you notice any damage, be sure to call a professional right away and get those issues fixed.

Get practical furniture pieces

Your attic will quickly become covered in toys, so you will need plenty of storage space to put those toys away. Plastic containers are ideal for small objects such as Legos, cars, and craft supplies, while a couple of bookcases will hold everything from books to large plush toys. Keep in mind that this is a space for your kids, so each piece of furniture should be easily accessible. Small chairs and tables, short bookcases, wooden boxes, and plastic containers along with floor cushions should make a great space for your little ones.

It’s time for fun!

When everything is in its place, see what else you can add to this space to make it more fun. Decorate the room with string lights, use a bright colour to paint the walls, add a chalkboard wall, and embellish this area with plenty of posters and colourful wall art. You can also add several mats that will come in handy when your kids are feeling daredevil-y.

Even when your kids grow up and no longer need a playroom, you will be able to use this new, well-insulated, fixed-up space as a spare guest room, a man cave, or a home office.

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