The Busy Mom’s Guide: 6 Wellness Tips For a Balanced Lifestyle

by Mother Huddle Staff
The Busy Mom's Guide 6 Wellness Tips For a Balanced Lifestyle

It’s common for mothers to disregard their needs in favor of their family’s well-being. Moms are constantly caring, nurturing and guiding. Even if you are a working mother or a stay-at-home mom, your job is still huge. You can’t be at peace until you ensure your family’s needs are met. Moms have so much on their plate, so, understandably, sometimes they can feel overwhelmed with all they have to do. This is why taking care of yourself is critical – you need time to recharge to avoid feeling burned out.

We know what you may think right now: ‘Isn’t it selfish to focus on my well-being?’ It is not! Your health matters as much as your family members’, and there’s nothing wrong with taking a break when you need it. In fact, taking care of yourself will make you a better mom because you learn how to cope with stress, and thus, you can achieve a balanced lifestyle. Trying to balance work life with family life is indeed challenging, so you should pat yourself on the back for your hard work. Without further ado, here are some practical wellness tips for the busy mom.

Be kind to yourself

It may sound like a cliché, but it really isn’t. In a modern culture that emphasizes perfection, you’re expected to juggle all life responsibilities and multitask. Moms are portrayed as superhumans who possess an uncanny ability to deal with all the tasks effortlessly while looking fabulous.

Sadly, this mindset can be harmful to moms, making them feel like they aren’t good enough as they try to keep up with all those expectations. Put differently, they strive for standards that are impossible to meet while prioritizing everyone’s needs but their own and then – unsurprisingly- they end up worn out. Instead of comparing yourself to others, remember to be kind to yourself. You’re already doing an excellent job dealing with so many things at once. You don’t have to beat yourself up when falling short – you’re only human after all.

Make exercise a part of your weekly routine

If you think about it, there never seems to be the right time to exercise. In the mornings, you’re busy with your kids, during the afternoons, you have to deal with work responsibilities, and in the evenings, you have to cook dinner and prepare for the next day. How can you even take time to exercise among all these responsibilities?

While it can be tricky, it’s definitely not impossible. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend working out as long as you get moving. Even 20 minutes of physical activity three times a week can make a significant difference to your physical health and emotional well-being. Even if you can only dedicate a few minutes to a home workout, it still counts, and you can reap considerable benefits.

Use nutrition hacks

It’s normal for busy mothers to take shortcuts for their nutrition, and this is not necessarily bad as long as these alternatives are healthy. For example, you can boost your energy in the afternoon with granola bars. And instead of junk food, you can pack some fresh fruits and vegetables. Another shortcut is taking health supplements. Supposing they’re formulated well, health capsules can complement your health. However, they should not replace exercise or diet.

A dietary supplement like Turmeric Extract is delicious and a great nutrient source, as it includes Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Magnesium. Turmeric has several health benefits and can boost your immune system. Besides, this dietary supplement is convenient because you can add it to water or juice.

Write in a journal

Journaling is therapeutic – it can help you get relief from stress and overcome difficult situations. As you write your thoughts down, you gain clarity about what you should do next. Journaling also allows you to look at your thought patterns and understand yourself better. As you become aware of the unhelpful thoughts, you can work on challenging them.

Writing is cathartic and helps you release overwhelming feelings that weigh down on you. Many people find it helpful to tear or burn the paper after writing about their trauma, depression or other things they struggle with. Thus, next time your employer or kids piss you off, consider writing your feelings and thoughts in a journal rather than taking it on them.

Find a relaxing activity

While practicing meditation can be an excellent way to relax, anything else that works for you is perfect. You don’t necessarily have to close your eyes and focus on your breath as long as you engage in something that you enjoy and helps you recharge.

For some people, walking with their dog can be a form of meditation. For others, a sunset and a cup of tea may be all they need to replenish. Or maybe going shopping for yoga tops and gear and hitting up a local a yoga class is more suitable for you. It may even be something as simple as having a great conversation with your partner. It doesn’t matter as long as it makes you happy. Think about an activity that relaxes you and add it to your weekly schedule.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If someone offers to help you with duties like looking after your kids, don’t say no. Your value as a mother doesn’t depend on how much you can take, and you don’t have to do everything by yourself. In fact, you can even ask for help if no one reaches out. Allowing your relatives or partner to care for the children can actually be good for them. It is because it enables your kids to create meaningful relationships with other adults in their lives. 

Don’t push yourself over your limits, and don’t wait until you become fatigued to ask for help. Your partner will likely be more than glad to spend time with the kids and help you with whatever you need.

Last words

Busy moms should prioritize self-care and include relaxing activities in their schedules. Achieving balance is key to improved well-being – taking care of yourself means taking care of others because you’ll have the resources to juggle all your life responsibilities.

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