5 Things Coffee Lovers Should Know

by Mother Huddle Staff
5 Things Coffee Lovers Should Know

How much do you know about your favorite cup of drink? As coffee lovers, we love to know all things related to coffee! Here are a few interesting things you should know.

1. Coffee Helps You Live Longer

This deserves the top of the list. Would you agree?

Our beloved cup of joe is jam-packed with antioxidants which makes this drink a great part of your daily routine. Antioxidants are a compound that protects our cells against free radicals that harms our body. Therefore, drinking a cup of coffee daily can actually help improve brain function and promotes healthy heart and liver and weight management. More good reasons to love this drink!

However, when you add creamer and sugar to your cup of coffee, its health benefits may be impacted. Other than that, drinking coffee as part of your healthy balanced diet can help you live longer. Studies suggest that caffeinated coffee consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. As a matter of fact, 3 to 5 cups of coffee daily has been associated with a reduced risk of various chronic diseases.

Although, not all can tolerate higher doses of caffeine due to several symptoms, like anxiety, palpitations, jitteriness, insomnia, and most especially those with high blood pressure. They may want to take their coffee in moderation. It is also important to know that pregnant women are advised to lessen their caffeine intake to no more than 200mg daily. This is because caffeine will pass through the placenta into the fetus; it has been connected with low birth weight and, worse, pregnancy loss.

2. Ever Heard of Grinds Coffee Pouches?

Grind coffee pouches are basically just small pouches of coffee that you put in your mouth—in between your cheek and gum. The caffeine and vitamins will dissolve in your mouth as your saliva wets the pouch. These pouches are stored in a can with a secondary lid where you can put the used pouches—so you can throw them later on.

Every grind coffee pouch contains 20-25mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to a quarter-cup of brewed coffee. It also gives you an energy boost, like you are drinking an energy drink. These coffee pouches come in different flavors, so even non-coffee drinkers enjoy them. Initially, they were made as a healthy tobacco-free alternative to smokeless tobacco. This pouch is packed with caffeine, along with B-Vitamins and Taurine. They are usually used by professional athletes. So whether you want to quit chewing or dip or you want coffee on the go any time anywhere — grinders coffee pouches are worth a try. Although, you may want to consult your doctor first if you have caffeine intolerance.

Where did this idea come from?  Well, glad you asked. This actually came about when two college students and roommates, who played baseball, began chewing ground coffee to stay awake to finish their marketing project. Soon after, they decided to pack grinds in pouches and marketed them in Major League Baseball since chewing or dipping tobacco was prominent among baseball players.

3. Coffee Beans Are Actually Seeds

Yup, these “beans” are seeds found inside the coffee cherry–a small bright red fruit that grows on coffee trees. They are now commonly referred to as beans because of their shape. As part of their harvest process, they are removed from the fruit.

4. Espresso or “Expresso”?

Are you one of those coffee lovers who pronounce it as “expresso”? Then, you are not entirely wrong. The correct pronunciation of espresso has been a long-running debate among coffee aficionados. As it turns out, espresso is an Italian term for “expressed” or “pressed out.”  They got the term from the method of brewing espresso coffee—forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee beans. While the correct pronunciation of the word is espresso, having learned this, we understand where people are coming from.

5. The Most Expensive Coffee Came From Poop

Okay, this is an interesting fact so let us try to read through the end without being squeamish.

Kopi Luwak, also known as Civet Coffee, is the most expensive coffee made from a civet’s poop. When a civet eats coffee cherries, they get fermented as they pass through the civet’s intestines; then, they get defecated. The partially digested coffee beans are plucked out from the civet’s feces and are made into the coffee we now call Civet Coffee.

Where is this animal found? Civets are found in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They have a long tail like a monkey and a facial resemblance to a raccoon. They also have stripes or spots on their body. This animal plays an important role in making Civet Coffee. The structure of proteins in the coffee beans is changed through the civet’s digestive enzymes. This process removes some levels of acidity to make a smoother cup of coffee.

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