For reasons that aren’t entirely clear to me, I really love acorns. I think they’re just so darn cute, to the point that I have multiple pieces of daily-wear jewelry that are acorn shaped! I always get excited when I see the new baby acorns appear on the trees at the park, and more than once have found acorns stuffed into the pockets of coats I haven’t worn in a while, or on a high shelf I’ve not looked at for a while, or in the bottom of my handbag. I promise I’m not a squirrel, I just like acorns! So of course, it’s a no-brainer that I would collate a list of adorable acorn crafts! I cannot wait to make all of these! I’ve gone for crafts that can suit a wide variety of ages, and even the very simple ones here I think my daughter and I will enjoy making.
Whimsical Acorn Bells

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One of those daily-wear pieces of jewelry I mentioned earlier is a silver harmony ball in the shape of an acorn. It’s gorgeous and I’ve worn it every day now for about a decade. These acorn bells remind me of my necklace, and I think I’d like to include these as trim in a costume maybe or a wind chime or you know, everywhere because bells and acorns are squee-inducingly good!
Build an Acorn Printable

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Um, this little acorn guy is so cute I think I will actually print something in colour for a change! That’s extremely unusual, so you know it’s a good craft, haha! I love a good craft activity that helps little ones with their cutting out skills, too.
Acorn Marble Necklace

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Wow, I’ve never thought of glueing marbles into acorn caps! These are so pretty; I mean look at them! I used to collect marbles as a kid and let me tell you, some of them were beautiful! They would have looked so good in acorn caps, but alas, I don’t have them anymore. This is, of course, a perfect excuse to go to the op shop (that’s Australian for thrift shop). I think these could look stunning added to that acorn bell windchime I was envisioning, hung up near a window so beautiful coloured light shine into the room.
Torn Paper Acorn Craft

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I think this is really cute, and I think little kids especially will really enjoy ripping up all the craft paper. I also like the addition of the buttons for rosy cheeks, love that mixed media, and if your kids are anything like my daughter, any craft that uses googly eyes is a winner!
Adorable Squirrel Acorn Craft

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Oh, how cute are these?! They kind of remind me of those adorable Becorns I’ve seen online. Given the glue used here this might not be for little crafters, but older kids would love making these I bet. Like the Becorns, you could take your adorable squirrel acorn critter out and pose it in nature to take lovely pictures!
Handprint Acorn Lacing Craft

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There are about a million hand-print crafts out there, because let’s face it, our baby’s hands are so cute you just want to bite them, nom nom nom! Ahem. And, of course, we love looking back on these crafts as our kids grow because even though you know their hands were teeny-tiny, holding proof in your hands just brings on warm and fuzzy feelings. I particularly like this craft because of the addition of the weaving, that’s not something I see in craft activities commonly and I bet kids will love giving it a go.
How to Paint Acorns

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Firstly, I find it hilarious how much the woman who wrote this article wants to eat the acorns she’s painted! Secondly, this is such a good base for other crafts and she includes something that I honestly wouldn’t have thought to do, which is bake the acorns before painting them so they won’t sprout or rot. We’re doing all natural Christmas tree decorations this year (tree obsessed cat + tinsel = nom nom and stress) and I hope I can find some nice acorns to use in our decorations!
Paper Leaf Acorn Wreath

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This is another great craft for getting your kids to practice cutting out neatly, and should keep them occupied for a good little while! I think it’s a very pretty wreath, and has a lot of impact for something so simple. You could also stick the cut-out pieces onto a ring-shaped piece of card-stock, which I think would look really nice, or use it to frame a central picture.
DIY Acorn Fairy Lanterns

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Okay so now we have a third acorn charm to add to my acorn windchime suncatcher! Aren’t these just so cute! My daughter is really into Sylvanian Families and I think these acorn lanterns would look so very charming suspended from some of her Sylvanian Families houses! Or regular doll houses, too, or of course, as this maker has done, in a fairy garden!
Printable Kawaii Acorn Gratitude Boxes

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Yeah so I’m going to have to print some of these up right now! I think they’re adorable and would be so fun to put small gifts in. Also, most kids love to have many little boxes to keep things in, my girl certainly does, so I think kids would really love to make their own little trinket box!
So there you go, 10 adorable acorn crafts to get you all nice and inspired! Those of you in the Northern Hemisphere should see your acorns on trees in a month or two (you lucky things!) but here in Australia it’s two days away from Spring so sadly it’ll be a while before we see acorns on the trees again. I think my daughter and I will have to go hunting for acorns under the oaks in the park and see if any nice ones can be found from last Autumn, because I need to make cute crafts with acorns now! You know, I think I might have seen some acorns in a drawer the other day, or maybe in the bottom of a tote bag? Time to go hunting!