Best Supplements For Immunity

by Mother Huddle Staff
Best Supplements For Immunity

Our immune system helps us to fight off infection and disease before it sets in, making us unwell – so keeping it as healthy as possible so it can work effectively is essential. Many of us get all the vitamins we need from a balanced diet, but sometimes, supplements can be helpful to give our bodies an extra boost when it comes to fighting infections. There are various vitamins and minerals that can help to enhance your immune system when you need it most, like the best vitamin C and D supplements. Read on to find out more about the supplements you could add to your daily routine and why they are so important.

How do we benefit from supplements?

Supplements are made up of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that we can take as a way of getting everything we need to keep our minds and bodies healthy, which we may not be getting from our diet. Supplements often come in the form of easy-to-take tablets that are taken daily so that our bodies can benefit. The immune system is one of the most essential when it comes to health and well-being. It protects your body from bacteria and microbes that can lead to infection and illness. There are a few different parts of the immune system that you may not know about, for example, the bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and skin all play a role in protecting our immunity. Supplements can improve the response from your immune system, which can protect you from illness.

Supplements to support immunity

Eating a balanced diet will allow you to get most of the vitamins and minerals you need to sustain a healthy lifestyle and a healthy immune system. A good night’s sleep and exercise can also help to maintain and boost immunity. However, it has been said that supplements can be helpful when it comes to ensuring an enhanced immune response, to help protect against illness. We’ll look at the best supplements for immunity below.

Vitamin D

This well-known vitamin is essential for improving the way your immune system functions. By taking this vitamin as a supplement, you can enhance the way your white blood cells attack infections to keep you healthy – they can also decrease inflammation, which in turn helps with the overall immune response. It’s one of the most important vitamins when it comes to immunity and many of us will find that we are deficient in it. Taking this vitamin means you will be less susceptible to respiratory infections, as well as colds and flu.


This mineral is so important when it comes to boosting your immune system – and it is commonly added to other supplements as a way of boosting their effectiveness. Zinc is necessary to help the body communicate its inflammatory response. It helps the skin, and other tissues in the body create barriers that can stop unwanted bacteria from entering. Zinc deficiency is common in older adults but adding a zinc supplement to your diet could mean that you can avoid respiratory infections like colds and even pneumonia.


A little different to the rest, elderberry has been used to treat infections throughout history. Most often found in the form of a liquid or capsule, this natural substance is said to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. It can help to lessen the severity of a cold, and the duration that you suffer. It can also enhance your overall immune response. If you’re thinking about using elderberry as a supplement to support your immunity, you should make sure that you take them in line with the instructions to avoid misuse.

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