How Can Your Bunions Be Reduced?

by Mother Huddle Staff
How Can Your Bunions Be Reduced

Whether you are a patient who has had bunion surgery or a person who has not yet had bunion surgery, there are many things you can do to reduce your bunions. 

There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments that you can try. You should also consider some exercises that can help with bunion reduction.

Bunions can sometimes heal on their own if the underlying cause is addressed. However, this is not very likely to happen as bunions are not caused by a single event but rather develop over time due to a variety of factors such as tight shoes, improper foot mechanics, genetics and arthritis.

If the underlying cause is not addressed, a bunion can worsen over time and lead to more discomfort, increased pressure in the joint and even changes in the shape of your foot. This can make wearing shoes painful and potentially limit your ability to perform certain activities.

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Non-Surgical Treatments

The main aim is to alleviate the symptoms of the bunion and slow down its progression.

These treatments include changing shoes, padding, toe spacers, and anti-inflammatory drugs. These measures can relieve pain, reduce swelling, and realign the foot to its natural position.

Bunion Splints

Another non-surgical treatment is to wear a splint, which repositions the big toe. This will help to reduce pain, improve alignment, and prevent the bunion from reoccurring. The splint must be worn for a period of time.

Bunion splints are plastic devices that wrap around your foot to align your toes. This can help prevent the formation of calluses and corns on your foot.

Bunion splints work by stretching out the muscles and ligaments in the foot. This helps to correct the alignment of your toes and prevents the first and second toes from pushing against each other.

Bunion splints come in different designs. Some have a hinge on the big toe, so that it can be lifted up when you need to stretch. Others have a rigid stick, which stays in place.


Other non-surgical measures include icing the bunion, using orthotic devices, and changing the way you walk. These treatments may be effective in controlling pain and symptoms for many patients.


Some people also opt to wear orthotics, which are specialized devices made for specific foot issues. The devices are custom made by taking an imprint of the patient’s foot and then molding it into a special casing.


Keeping your feet flexible and limber will help prevent bunions from developing

Bunions are a painful deformity, but exercises to reduce them can make them more bearable. There are a few different exercises that can help, but you should do them on a regular basis.

Pulling Big Toe

The most basic exercise is to pull your big toe toward the rest of your toes. This will strengthen the arch and shift your weight back onto the heel.

Spreading Out Toes

Another exercise is to spread out your toes. This can be done sitting or standing. This exercise helps to strengthen the foot and ankle, as well as increase flexibility. It’s also a good idea to wear high heels occasionally, as they can help prevent bunions.

Towel Scrunch

A foot exercise that helps strengthen your foot and ankle is the towel scrunch. This exercise helps to strengthen the sole of your foot and corrects any muscular imbalances that may be contributing to the formation of a bunion.

Seated Forward Bend

The seated forward bend is another foot exercise that helps improve your foot and ankle strength. The seated forward bend involves pressing into your toe mound while keeping your block square.

If you have a bunion, you should also exercise your abductor hallucis muscles. This muscle helps to pull the big toe toward the rest of your toes.


Surgery is not a “magic” cure, but it does reduce the size of bunions. 

Surgery can also help you feel more confident and improve your quality of life. Before surgery, the doctor will take a thorough medical history and physical examination. 

These tests will help the doctor determine the type of surgery needed. During the surgery, a local anesthetic will be used to numb the area. The patient may be given sedation medication as well.

The surgery can take several weeks to heal. The bones will need to re-align and heal. Depending on the type of surgery, the bone may be re-aligned with pins or screws.

The patient should not put weight on the foot during the healing period. Patients should also avoid wearing shoes that may exacerbate the bunion. If you are not comfortable with wearing shoes with a bunion, your doctor may recommend orthotics.

In most cases, surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. Patients may be able to return to work within a week. However, driving may be restricted for several weeks.


Bunions can be painful and difficult to manage. However, there are several treatments available that may help reduce the symptoms associated with bunions. 

These treatments include wearing properly fitted shoes, using bunion pads or toe spacers, and physical therapy or surgery for more severe cases. 

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