12 Smart Options For Busy Working Moms To Make Your Mornings Fuss-Free

by Mother Huddle Staff
Smart Options For Busy Working Moms To Make Your Mornings Fuss-Free

Getting ready in the morning can feel like an ordeal for busy working moms. There’s a lot to be done to get you and your kids ready to go to work and school, and things can get hectic. Therefore, it is so crucial to be organized to minimize the stress and ensure mornings go smoothly.

Fortunately, there are plenty of hacks to try out that can make the mornings much easier. As with anything, you’ll get better at managing the morning rush the more you practice, and keeping to a routine can help ensure the kids are easier to get organized and out of the house.

Get Up And Go To Bed Early

Getting the right amount of quality sleep is critical to keeping you healthy and productive for the day ahead. It may be tempting to stay up later to get all the tasks done that you can’t do while the kids are still awake, but this will only lead to a lack of sleep. In turn, sleep deprivation will only make the mornings more difficult to deal with, making you cranky from lack of sleep. Plan the time you need to get everything done in the morning and work out when to go to bed and get up accordingly.

Wake Up Before The Kids

Having some time to get things sorted in the morning before the kids are up is invaluable. Consider getting up at least an hour before you wake the kids. This gives you some quiet time to do last-minute chores or just spend some time to yourself to drink your morning coffee and eat your breakfast before the chaos of the day starts.

Prep Lunches In Advance

Doing lunch prep at the weekend for the week ahead can be invaluable to saving time in the mornings. Consider making lunches that will last in the fridge for a few days or that can be frozen. It is a good idea to vary the lunches you make your kids, but try to stick to the same lunch for any given week and cycle through different options week by week.

Dress The Kids After Breakfast

Any mom knows that kids can be super messy eaters. The last thing you need on a busy school morning is one or more of the kids spilling their breakfast and needing a change of clothes. It’s best to let the kids have their breakfast in their PJs and get them dressed after they’ve finished and are safely away from any food that could be spilled.

Make A Family Calendar

A family planner or calendar can be an excellent way to ensure you’re all prepared for the day ahead. Consider a physical calendar that you can hang on the wall in the kitchen. You could use an eraser board to make it easier to check off tasks when they’re done and write-in events or to-do lists on the go. When they get old enough, the kids can also start adding their own reminders to ensure that the whole family knows what’s planned for the week.

Use Time-Saving Quality Ground Coffee

Coffee is a lifesaver for many working parents, and you won’t always have time to make up some whole bean coffee in the morning. You can get the same level of quality and enjoyment from ground coffee, despite what some may think. You should ensure you choose the best quality ground coffee and experiment with different options to find your favorite taste. Check out Cup & Bean for more ideas to help find the best ground coffee for your busy mornings.

Alternate Morning Duty With Your Partner

Mornings with kids are a responsibility that should be shared with your partner. If both of you work, it is vital to ensure that the burden doesn’t rest too heavily to one partner or the other, as this can cause tension and arguments. Consider making an arrangement with your partner to alternate days or weeks getting the kids ready for school. You could also consider splitting the morning responsibilities down the middle to make it easier for both of you.

Get Things Prepped Before Bed

Getting as much as possible done before bed can be invaluable for making mornings more manageable. You can lay out the kids’ school clothes, make lunches, and do any prep needed for breakfast. Always check your family planner and calendar the night before to ensure you don’t get caught out in the morning.

Ask Your Kids To Help

Even the youngest kids can do some things to help you out in the mornings. Consider age-appropriate tasks, such as choosing their clothes or helping prep lunch. As kids get older, they can do more and more for themselves, so start giving them responsibility. Get them into the habit of checking the calendar and taking responsibility for ensuring they have all they need.

Stay Consistent

Kids need consistency in all areas of life, the mornings included. In fact, having a regular morning routine is often the most important thing for younger kids particularly. You should be consistent in your morning routine, having a set time to get the kids up, time for washing and dressing, time for breakfast, and time to leave the house.

Use Reminders

With so much to organize in the mornings, essential tasks can often get forgotten about. If you struggle to keep things straight even with the help of a planner or calendar, setting reminders can be an ideal option. You could use your smartphone for this and set reminders to go off in the morning to remind you to take certain things or attend different events or meetings. Once your kids are old enough for their own cell phones, they can also use the reminder function.

Play Music

Mornings should be fun for you and your kids, even if they can be stressful. Consider making an energizing morning playlist for you and your kids to enjoy while you get ready. You could let the kids choose a few songs to add to it to help them get in the right mood for school. You could also let them watch TV to give you some quiet time, but music is the best option if you want to spend the morning talking to and connecting with your kids.

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