How To Teach Your Children To Improve Their Writing Skills

by Mother Huddle Staff
How To Teach Your Children To Improve Their Writing Skills

Being able to read and write well is something most parents want for their children. They know that things will be so much easier for them later in life if their kids have these skills. So, naturally, many parents put a lot of time and effort into teaching each child to read and write.

But, often, once they can read a child’s book a lot of parents switch their focus to other things. They leave the way they develop their reading and writing skills up to their child’s school. This is a shame because there is still a lot that parents can do to help them to become good writers. People who can read and comprehend far more complex material have skills that stand them in good stead once they reach university or get into the workplace and have to start reading, technical manuals, contracts and more complex documents they struggle.

Teach your children to make use of writing tools

Most kids know how to use a basic grammar checker. But, they rarely learn to use a plagiarism checker like this tool or a citation creator. Both of which they will need if they want to write academic essays or a dissertation.

Getting them into the habit of using these tools will greatly improve the quality of their writing. The plagiarism checker will ensure that they do not simply repeat what others have to say. Knowing how to produce properly formatted citations will help them too. The fact that they have to do so will encourage them to carry out their research more carefully. Your child will be aware of the fact that they will have to provide proof for what they have said.

Encourage your children to graduate to more complicated reading material

In life, we all tend to take the easy route and not stretch ourselves too much. So, unsurprisingly, a lot of people struggle to sit down and read an academic book. Once they reach university or get into the workplace and have to start reading technical manuals, contracts and more complex documents they struggle.

So, it is important that you do what you can to encourage your children to start reading gradually more complex texts. Buying them a subscription for a technical magazine that reflects one of their interests can help them to take their reading to the next level. The quality of their writing and comprehension will naturally improve when you do this.

Make sure that your children do more than write for school

Encourage all of your children to keep a journal. Doing so will help them to learn to write different ways. It will also enable them to learn to express what they are feeling and develop their thought processes. You can read about several studies that prove this to be the case on this page.

Encourage them to create other written material. For example, submit articles to magazines, write short stories or help a charity out by producing an information sheet for them. The more they practice the easier writing will become. Mixing up what they write will also help your child to learn how to adapt their style so that they can appeal to different audiences. These tips will also help them to learn that skill.

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