Our Guide To Looking And Feeling Your Best At A Wedding

by Mother Huddle Staff
Our Guide To Looking And Feeling Your Best At A Wedding

Deciding how to look at a wedding is one of the biggest decisions you’re ever going to make about a wedding, especially if you’re the bride or groom in question! After all, it’s not just the venue, the menu, the guest list, the after party, and the honeymoon you’ve got to plan; you need to look and feel your best when you’re standing up there saying your vows as well. 

But even when you’re a part of the bridal party or you’re a groomsman, or you’re just attending the reception as a guest, you’ve got a lot of work to do. You’ve got to get your hair done, choose a good outfit, decide on a makeup look, and then make sure all the details line up, such as your skin and nails. When all is said and done, that’s a lot of style to try and curate! Which is why we’re here to help!

If you want to both look and feel your best when you’re at a wedding, we’ve got some tips that’ll help you come up with a style plan that really lets your beauty shine. If you’ve been invited to a wedding, or your partner has just popped the question, we’ll help you channel your excitement into something that looks amazing! 

What Do You Want to Look Like in Your Photos?

You can’t plan for a wedding outfit, hair, and makeup without deciding what you want to look like in the photos! Think about it: you’re going to be looking at these for the rest of your life in a very sentimental album, so you want them to represent you and the way you truly are. 

For some this means going no frills, for others it means dressing to the nines, but most people land somewhere in between. Say you straighten your hair a lot – you might want to instead leave it as curly as it gets when you’re fresh out the shower, as it’s a mark of your natural beauty. Or you can head down to get it chemically straightened out so you don’t have to worry about frizz, or messy waves in the back of your head. It’s up to you! 

Upgrade Your Skincare Routine

If your skincare routine is currently just a bit of soap and moisturizer, you might want to step things up a little and start using a few more products. Adding in a cleanser and toner, for example, or using retinol to help collagen balance your skin. If you’re someone prone to ‘stress breakouts’, the latter step is definitely something to think about. 

It’ll help to keep your face and any other exposed skin calm, which can prevent redness, spots, and reduce signs of various other blemishes. We all have them, but if you don’t want them to show up in the wedding photos, start expanding your routine a good six months in advance. 

See a Dermatologist 

If you have some skin issues that you’re concerned about before the wedding, book yourself in to see a dermatologist. If you’re prone to dry patches, acne, or rashes that come up every now and then and take a while to go away, now’s the time to seek an expert’s opinion. 

They might be able to recommend a treatment, like a topical cream or oil, or send you for further testing to see what would be most appropriate. The earlier you get this done, the sooner you can focus on the other aspects of planning your style for the wedding, so be sure to book in as soon as you can! 

Get into a Hair Care Routine

Looking after your hair is so important when you’re getting ready for a wedding. So, if you don’t already follow a comprehensive hair routine, you’ll want to get into one at least two months in advance. 

You should also visit an experienced hairdresser at least a couple times during that period as well, not only to ask for advice regarding caring for your hair type, but to ensure you get the cut and style you want done professionally. 

Hairdressers really are your best friend in the lead up to your wedding; they’ll tell you the best way to maintain your silk press, they’ll be able to slowly build up the color you’ve set your heart on, and they’ll always be available for an emergency touch up if it’s required! 

Talk to a Makeup Artist

Getting your makeup professional done will take a lot of pressure out of getting ready for the big day. You can hire an artist to do over you and all your bridesmaids (though it could cost you round about $500), and then you can rest assured you’re all going to look amazing standing side by side. 

Meet with as many makeup artists as you can from the moment you know you’re going to be planning a wedding. You want to work with someone who understands your vision for the process, as well as someone who is experienced with your skin type, tone, and the technique you’re impressed by. So don’t just hire someone because they seem like they know what they’re talking about – go for a couple ‘tester’ sessions first of all! 

Ensure Your Teeth are Healthy

Your smile is already beautiful, but a lot of people tend to forget to look after it during their wedding preparations. If you’re going to be beaming in the photos you take, and you want to look back fondly on everything about the day, it’s worth it to visit your dentist and ask about your oral health. 

And remember, yellow or off white teeth aren’t a mark of bad oral health! But if you’d rather, you can book in for a professional cleaning with the hygienist, book in for a cosmetic whitening treatment a week before, or use an at-home kit the day before. 

Give Yourself a Manicure Every Couple Weeks

Now it’s time to focus on your nails. They’re probably in pretty good condition already, but if you haven’t had a manicure in a while (or ever!), now’s the time to book one in. A good manicure makes sure your nails look clean, buffed, and like they could model in a magazine. 

But if you don’t want the hassle of heading to a shop, you can always give yourself a mini manicure at home.  Buy yourself a kit and DIY nail wraps from Polish Pops if need be, and then use a guide like this to do over your hands properly. While you’re there, rub in some moisturizer to make sure your hands and lower forearms glow as well; you don’t want the nails to get all the attention.  

Get Plenty of Sleep!

Sleeping might be hard in the run up to your big day, but you need to get those hours in. At least 8 hours every night in the preceding two weeks before you get married please! This way your body will be able to properly rest and relax, and all the work you’ve done up to this point won’t go to waste thanks to lethargy. 

You definitely don’t want dark circles under your eyes just as your makeup artist walks in! If you’re unable to sleep because you’re thinking too much about what might happen during the celebrations, or you’re too excited to sleep and can’t quite come down from cloud nine, talk to a doctor. They might be able to prescribe something to help you out in the short term. 

Practice Dancing

If you want to get dancing at the wedding, and lead everyone in the first dance with your partner, you might want to double check your dancefloor prowess. It’s something everyone should do before they get married, and even when you’re just attending as a guest, you don’t want to embarrass yourself by busting moves that’ll only have you falling over! 

You can attend a few couple’s dance classes if you like, but even just practicing a few classic styles in your living room together will do just fine. As long as you both know what the other is capable of, the dancing portion of the reception will be super fun and enjoyable for everyone. 

One Quick Final Tip: 

Only invite people if you actually want them at the wedding! It’s hard to feel good in front of people you barely know! 

Ultimately, Have Fun with Your Wedding Look!

If you want to look good at a wedding, but also feel your best as well (and by that we mean both beautiful and comfortable!), you’re going to need to plan your outfit out as soon as you can. But don’t panic here! 

You’ve got a lot of time to decide, and no matter the kind of ‘look’ you end up going for, the pictures are going to come out amazing. So decide on what you want to wear, make sure you’re comfortable with the makeup you’d like to apply, and don’t forget to look after your hair or nails as you go! 


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