5 Steps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

by Mother Huddle Staff
5 Steps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2020 was the second hottest year in recorded history. The ten hottest years in recorded history have occurred in the last 25 years.

Climate change can be felt in every corner of the world, and you might be asking yourself what you can do. With this guide, you’ll learn how to reduce your carbon footprint at home. Keep reading to learn easy ways you can make a change. 

1. Change Your Lightbulbs

If you want to create a more eco-friendly home, one simple change you can make is switching to more energy-efficient lightbulbs. LED lightbulbs use a lot less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs. 

Replace the lightbulbs in every room in your house. When you use less energy, you’ll save on your electric bill and help the planet.

While LED lightbulbs might cost more, they last longer. When you don’t have to replace lightbulbs as often, you’ll end up saying more in the long run. 

2. Recycle Everything You Can 

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, you can start recycling more. Make sure you place all cans and plastic bottles in your recycling bin. 

Other ways to recycle include repurposing and reusing items you’d typically throw away. You can keep old t-shirts and turn them into cleaning rags. Instead of throwing out food waste, you can use it to compost.

Shop for your furniture from consignment stores and your clothes from thrift stores to reduce your carbon footprint as well. 

3. Adjust Your Thermostat 

While you might not be able to achieve a zero-carbon footprint right away, you can make small changes to reduce your impact on the planet. One small change you can make is adjusting your thermostat. 

Your HVAC system is the thing in your home that wastes the most energy. If you lower your thermostat in the winter and increase it in the summer by a few degrees, you’ll be reducing your energy consumption significantly. 

4. Avoid Using Hot Water

If you want to lower your home carbon footprint you can reduce your hot water use. Using hot water wastes more energy than using cold water. 

Try washing your clothes in warm or cold water. You can also reduce energy consumption by using your dryer less and line drying your clothes instead. 

Take colder showers too. Make sure you turn off the water while you shampoo to avoid wasting any. 

5. Switch to Solar 

Another way to reduce your home’s carbon footprint is by switching to solar power. Solar energy is a cleaner source of energy because it comes from the sun. 

It’s renewable so it won’t be depleted like fossil fuels. Solar power won’t release toxins into the environment either.

The value of solar panels far outweighs any cons. It helps the environment while increasing the value of your home. 

Learn How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home With These Tips

If you want to learn how to reduce your carbon footprint at home, you should follow the tips in this guide. There are easy changes you can make to help the planet. Recycling more often and switching to solar energy are a few options you have.

Check out some of the other home-related blogs on our site for more helpful tips.  

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