5 Health Benefits of Outdoor Play Equipment for Kids

by Mother Huddle Staff

Getting your little ones playing outdoors is harder than it sounds, particularly when they are engrossed in digital screens for a myriad of hours. Hence, encouraging them to leave the house for some outside play can be almost an impossible task. This is where outdoor play equipment can come in handy.  

Research reveals that children nowadays are swapping active, outdoor play for a more sedentary lifestyle, that’s severely impacting their health and overall well-being. So, you can keep the kids entertained all year round with outdoor play equipment while simultaneously ensuring they grow up into energetic adults. 

While most parents realize their children are not moving enough during the day, many are not sure why it is so crucial.

Here are some of the endless benefits of outdoor play for kids of all ages: 

#1: Improves Physical Health

When kids play outdoors, they are exposed to much needed vitamin D, especially during the dark, chilly winter months. The fresh air aids younger kids in developing healthy respiratory systems. 

Moreover, play also supports coordination skills and physical strength due to the use of various muscle groups. Likewise, outdoor play can directly impact your kid’s physical strength, weight and ability to fight off illness. Young children who spend substantial active time outdoors usually continue to exercise more regularly as they age. 

#2: Enhance Social Skills

Outdoor play equipment is generally designed in a way that encourages kids to step out of their shells and socialise with their peers. Children who play outdoors are more self-aware and empathetic. 

Studies reveal that children who play outside are less likely to bully other kids. Additionally, outdoor play usually demands teamwork and imagination, helping kids have positive interactions with each other. 

That does not mean there would not be arguments over whose turn it’s to shoot a basket or go down the slide. However, children who consistently spend time outdoors are more likely to find common ground and get along with their peers. 

#3: Supports Mental Well-Being 

Outdoor Play Equipment for Kids

In a society that is increasingly becoming more prone to mental issues like stress and anxiety, it is imperative that your kids learn how to relax, walk away and let off steam through play. 

After all, as they age, they’ll inevitably have to face academic pressures and more. Fortunately, outdoor play aids the release of endorphins – a hormone that improves mental health and well-being.

#4: Improve Fine Motor Skills 

Outdoor play can greatly aid in fine-tuning the motor skills of younger children. Kids naturally acquire and build these skills through construction and sensory play. As they touch tactile objects, feeling a range of texture, they develop gross and fine motor skills – pulling, pushing, throwing and squeezing.

#5: Develop a Sense of Independence

Being outdoors has also proven to help kids develop their sense of independence. Although a parent is typically close by, kids feel a sense of freedom that they do not experience elsewhere. 

Your little one will get the opportunity to invent games with peers, explore their boundaries and learn what they are capable of doing, as well as take restricted risks without feeling like an adult is constantly breathing down their neck. The confidence they acquire here will help them as they continue to age and learn. 

There you have it – the five leading benefits of outdoor play. Encouraging kids to spend more time outside away from technology can support their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Whether it is a trip to the woods or a fun day at a playground, there is no denying the countless benefits of stepping away from the screen and into the sunshine.

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