How To Write Your First Story Book: From Initial Idea To First Drafting

by Mother Huddle Staff
How To Write Your First Story Book From Initial Idea To First Drafting

The greatest mistake a writer can make is to dive into creating a book without preparation. It can be a grave mistake without useful tips in your pocket and no preparation on how to proceed with writing a book.

Instead of providing a detailed manual on designing a book, we’ll provide general guidelines as we outline how to write your first storybook: from initial idea to first drafting.

In the section below, we jotted down a few points to help you lay a great foundation for your subsequent writing project because everyone approaches telling tales differently.

The primary purposes of having an idea and creating an initial draft version are to establish the world and develop the outline so that you can see the story in its entirety.

Read this article to learn more about how to create your story’s characters and put it all out as a draft.

5 Tips On How To Plan The Initial Idea

Read this article to learn more about how to create your story’s characters and put it all out as a draft.

●     Decide On A Planning Strategy That Suits You

Let’s talk about the planning options open to you before delving into the specifics of your story. The planning process for a novel is unique to the writer and the story being conveyed.

Some writers create mental maps, bullet-point lists on the computer, or even character sketches or start with short stories to understand how to outline the entire story. You can, on the other hand, go for free writing.

You can’t go wrong using free-writing because it enables you to express all of your thoughts on your tale and may even reveal connections you hadn’t previously considered.

If you plan to employ this technique, our only piece of advice is to group your thoughts under the headings of characters, location, and plot. This will prevent you from being bogged down by your personal notes and will make it simple for you to locate and change specifics.

●     Pick A Goal

Secondly, pick a target or goal. This is where the actual planning process begins. Every writer has at least one protagonist, so if you want a surefire way to start, introduce your major character immediately.

While it could be entertaining, don’t focus solely on the names and appearances. Instead, you should go for the main character’s essence. Make sure that the book has excellent character growth.

A character does not only have to work forward towards a goal. Instead, it represents their most important concern and their deepest desire.

This directly relates to other aspects of the personality, such as temperament and background, and influences every decision they make throughout the book and the story.

You can take inspiration on making your character by reading other books, which may help you understand what elements you want to bring to the character. You can try tips on how to find books based on similar books you have read to get the idea.

●     Establish A Challenge

Thirdly, you need a challenge in your story that your character will have to encounter, from your character’s point of view. The mounting tension that readers seek and love can only exist when there is something to hinder the hero in their quest.

An actual enemy, a status quo, a change in the protagonist’s environment, or any of the above can serve as this hurdle. You can utilize a variety of conflict styles, even in combination with one another.

However, we advise you to pick a major, lasting conflict when you’re plotting your story. This primary tension should be heightened or resolved by everything in the narrative.

●     Find A Location That Works For The Narrative

Fourthly, as you may anticipate, a story’s setting differs greatly depending on the genre.

The setting is integral to the idea of the story. However, even if your book’s location and plot aren’t quite as closely related, you should consider it seriously.

Ensure that the setting aids in telling the story, regardless of whether you’re creating a complex fictional realm or basing your story on a real place.

●     Decide on a closure

Lastly, getting the ending done. Getting a story started is typically straightforward, but getting it finished might feel like a huge task. It can be very annoying when you can’t figure out where the story is headed.

The great news is that you can use the story’s conclusion as inspiration for what takes place beforehand. In other words, one can use the conclusion as a starting point to develop a strong blueprint for the entire story.

So, if you’re ready with the ending, outline it first, followed by your characters, setting, and, finally, the story’s beginning.

How To Put The Idea On Paper

●     Outline It

Prewriting, also known as free writing, entails the process of outlining, in which you begin to create the basic framework for the scenarios you have just created in your imagination.

Before you put your story together, lay out all the components to obtain the clearest idea of how to put it together and to identify which components are lacking.

Outlining while you are creating the story’s characters and the development of these characters while your story evolves will allow you to make a good rough draft.

A rough draft outline doesn’t necessarily have to be chapter by chapter but can be about different sections of the entire story.

●     Leave The Editing Out

When writing the first draft, don’t bother about grammar, creating whole sentences, or grammar blunders like indirect speech or irregular tenses. When spitting out plot elements, abandon the entire editorial process.

What you put in a rough draft is private to you and your ideas, as long as you put the ideas on paper in a form that makes sense to you.


Overall, we outlined how to write your first story book, from initial idea to first draft, and we hope that the points mentioned above will be helpful to you.

We expect that the tips we have offered above will inspire you to be an amazing writer and have a great story as you embark on a new journey as a writer.

You can also look into other information relating to family book kits since you read about book writing.


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